Codicil to the Further Tales of the Crystal Tower
After Victory It’s Party Time
Chapter One: Birthday Party.
[1] Party Tree.
[2] Party Time.
[3] Fairy Lights.
[4] Thorn’s Mission.
Chapter Two: Party at the Tower.
[1] Prepping for the Party.
[2] Party Starts.
[3] The Knights’ Stomp
[4] Private Time.
Chapters Three: Camping Party.
[1] On the Beach.
[2] Brotherhood.
Chapter Four: Pilgrimage Dragon Party.
[1] Planning the Journey.
[2] Journey to the Green Crystal Temple.
[3] At the Temple.
[4] Tea Party with the Abbot
[5] Faring Forth: Remote Viewing the Dragon Hold.
[6] Journey to the Dragon Hold.
[7] Camping Before the Dragon Hold.
[8] The Towers of the Dragon Hold.
[9] Chamber of Initiation.
[10] Thorn’s Poem..
[11] Secret Teachings.
[12] Dragon Party.
[13] Journey Toward Home.
[14] Tea Party at the Valley of the Healers.
[15] Journey Continues on the Party Boat
Chapter Five: Party Routine.
[1] Routine is Good.
[2] Party Like a Manimal
[3] Manimals on Display.
[4] Parade and Mess.
[5] What About Freedom?.
Time seemed to pass slowly for Thorn and his buddies after the exciting days of the Battle at the Gates where they thwarted an extra-dimensional invasion; getting back into routine after their adventures ‘Walking the Gateways’ proved challenging.
As the Mage reminded them, “A wise Terran once said, ‘Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water; after enlightenment, carry water, chop wood.’ – the gardens need weeding.”
About nine months later Thorn’s Weather Witch twin sisters each gave birth, on the same day, to a boy child, fathered by his friends Ice and Feo. The boys were expected to have even greater Talents than their parents and were to be supported as “Sons of the Tower”. They could expect to be accepted as Cadets in their turn, just like their fathers and uncle.
The infant boys, with identical twin mothers, and maybe a little magic, looked like twins: “Same X; different Y’s.” Even their mothers had a hard time distinguishing which was which. They named them after their fathers, Isa and Feo, in the old languages, or ‘Ice Jr.’ and ‘Fee Jr.’ in the colloquial, later just Jr.1 (2 minutes older) and Jr.2, the younger ‘twin’ – but only the boys really knew which was which, until their hair grew in and everyone could see that Ice’s son was golden blond while Feo’s was a burnished redhead.
Another year passed and it was time for the boys’ First Birthday Party.
Chapter One: Birthday Party
Thorn and his friends were back at his family’s farm, for another party at the big Party Tree. They were wearing their formal uniforms, light gray boots, caps, pants and long-sleeved tunic with the Silver Circle of the Gray Knights as their belt buckles; another, smaller Silver Circle on their caps. Walking over to the tree, carrying his squirming son who wanted to get down and move on his own, Ice remarked,
“This tree is getting a reputation back at the Tower as the place for family-friendly parties. Understand our KAs helped our ladies set-up... Junior, stop that!”
“Da-da, go run wit’ Feo, now!”
As he scampered off to find his cousin, a proudly grinning Thorn added,
“Those boys are amazing. Just a year and they’re nearly always climbing, running... making mischief...”
Ice replied,
“Right... it’s just possible that our ladies, and their mother, have been speeding up the boys’ development a bit... by the time they’re six they’ll probably be applying for admission to the Academy!”
“Do you think they’d tell us if they were, uh, encouraging rapid maturation?”
Ice snorted; Fee laughed.
[1] Party Tree
The Knights strode over to the Party Tree, Thorn thinking,
“Knights always stride. People need to know we’re here with purpose...”
Dozens of guests were waiting. Many stood and applauded as they arrived. Thorn could see GGPaPa and the Mage standing with the others, grinning proudly.
Hugs and greetings all around. Thorn hugged everyone back, hanging onto Rad as the last,
“I see you KAs helped my mom and sisters with the set-up, thank you.”
Smiling back, with mock seriousness, he replied,
“Our mission is to serve, Sir Knight... any way we can...”
That led Thorn to grab the younger man about the torso, and play wrestle him toward the ground, amid the piles of leaves near the giant tree trunk. They ended up with Rad standing against the tree, Thorn, who was a foot taller and far more massive, pinning him there, leering.
“Enough Thorn; you’re going to scandalize the guests...”
Thorn, pressing his advantage, pushed closer against Rad, whispering,
“I don’t care about what folks say, besides, everyone knows that Knights and KAs work very closely together...”
He pressed against his friend for a moment, and then pulled back, turning to head back to where the guests were gathering, by tables heaped with food, keeping an arm around Rad’s shoulders as they walked.
[2] Party Time
The party was in full swing, with drinks, music (from a real “Earther” sound system) dancing and laughing. The Twins’ sons were being passed around as everyone wanted to see these precocious birthday boys. Uncle Thorn was kept busy ushering them from one multi-generational set of relations to another while his fellow Knights attended upon their ladies.
Then it was time for the master piece of the night: the birthday cake, several days in the birthing, with various aunts and other relations all contributing to the confusion...
It was rolled out on a serving cart, four layers of alternating chocolate and vanilla cakes, swathed in layers of colored creams with garlands of gilded sugar bunting, topped with a large numeral “1” candle -- quite an extravaganza.
Well, boys will be boys and shortly after an off-key rendition of the old Terran Birthday Song, the three Knights and their three Keeper friends, and the two birthday boys, had cake cream all over their faces, and certain of them may have even surreptitiously tossed a bit at each other... not quite a food fight, but enough to leave everyone laughing.
That’s when ‘the Juniors’ surprised their families and guests. The frosting on their faces seemed to gather together and then just popped away, while those with Talents distinctly heard a very young voice, in their minds, saying,
“Daddies bad. Cream all gone!”
Astonished glances were exchanged, with GGPaPa adding in,
“Our boys are amazing; a year old and both exhibiting psychokinesis ‘n’ telepathy!”
[3] Fairy Lights
As he spoke the fairy lights hovering in the long sweeping branches of the giant weeping willow began to descend. This was a sight familiar to a few of the humans there. The family and guests grew quiet and quite amazed, as the fairies, miniature Dragons actually, gathered around the boys, to their delight, twinkling.
The boys waved their arms, gathering the fairies to themselves.
Shortly all the humans, even those without Talent could see the Energy gathered around the boys as several Dragons join the fairies, in blessing and appreciation. The Mage addressed them,
“Greetings, Dragon Friends. Y<>Z, eMACRODOT KaZOD. Thank you for attending.”
The Dragons coalesced around the Mage, wrapping him in shimmering light. All hushed as they watched the swirling Energies. The Dragons, and then the fairies, retreated up into the tree, where they continued to provide enchanting lighting, pulsing to the music. The Mage reemerged. He called over to Thorn to come to him. They spoke privately.
[4] Thorn’s Mission
“Thorn, I have a message from the Dragons for you. Your training in the Fifth Degree will continue in the New Year, apparently delayed a bit by the birth of your nephews. They are very interested in those boys, by the way. As to yourself, though, a great honor is offered you. You are to travel to the Dragons’ Stronghold, where the Mountains of Fire meet the Mountains of Ice – you’ll be on pilgrimage. When you leave I have the impression that you may be gone months.
“Oh, one more thing, think about the companion you will bring along. He can be anyone you choose. Meditate and ask your Dragon -- he will tell you more, but not for some months to come. That will be your Mission.”
“In the meantime, let’s enjoy the party, and the next season or two.”
Thorn had no need to meditate on the choice. A few minutes later he found Rad and told him about the pilgrimage.
“There is only one companion I must have on the journey: you. We will be guided by my Dragon, but I want you there too. We won’t set out for some time. Are you with me?”
Rad didn’t need to think either, he nodded yes at once.
“We’ll need to work closely day and night to get ready.”
“Does that mean we’ll be sharing a bunk in the Knight’s barracks?”
“Sure Rad, I’d like that; just like the old Templar's symbol: two warriors on one horse. Only we’ll be with a Dragon!”
Chapter Two: Party at the Tower
‘Members-only’ parties at the Great Crystal Tower were the stuff of infamous rumor and legend. They were, however, presented as gentile occasions. ‘ZaZ’ is the ‘PSAKaDAS’ (Tower Talk) term for ‘Tea’ and the Old Earth ‘Tea Ceremony’ was part of the home world’s culture that flourished on Alterra.
There were three ‘Tea Houses’ at the Tower. One, very much in the traditional bamboo style, was in the Garden by the Tower and was used by the Mage to meet ‘outside the Tower.’ The other two were in the Tower where they took up two full levels, URZaZYaB on the Fifth Level above and KORT KAZaZOD on the First Level below. These rooms were less like ‘Tea Houses’ and more like the traditional concept of a “Symposium” – a room in ancient Greek homes set aside for parties – that word meaning ‘to drink together.’
The first was used to entertain guests at the Tower, such as the various political leaders who attend the twice-yearly meetings of the Great Council. The second was used for parties to which only members of the four Orders of the Tower were invited: Knights (including retired Knights), Senior Cadets, Keepers (including senior KA’s) and Workbros.
[1] Prepping for the Party
KAZaZ had a reputation for drunk and risqué behavior. It was a justified reputation, and, considered by some to be a ‘bonding experience’among ‘eKUP’ – the ‘Degrees’ of the Order of the Tower. Such parties always featured lots of drinking vaping, loud conversation, and noisy ‘dancing’. As was said, the men at KAZaZ had ‘a stomping good time’ keeping time to martial music with their boots hitting the floor together, a custom called DAKDaMLAP TUKADOD (Boot Stomping).
Rad, O’dn and Will were tasked with getting a gang of Workbros ready for the party, as they would be attending as part of the entertainment. The three KAs asked one of the senior Keepers about their task.
“I take it this will be the first time you boys have been invited to participate in KAZaZ. You’ve been Keeper Assistants for just over a year, so being invited this soon is unusual, but given your connection to Sir Thorn and other Knights, the Mage may have bent the rules a bit. You’ve even traveled off-world with them, so I suppose you’ve been exposed to a bit of hard drinking and partying... ”
The Keeper thought he noticed some blushing on the KA’s tanned features.
“But on to the Workbros. As you know, we have a bunch a POWs left over from the Terran invasion a half decade ago. Since they are considered war criminals we get to use their labor at the Tower complex. They are part of the Working Brothers Corps [LABPAS]. There are a few dozen Alterrans who have also volunteered for the Workbros, men who have no psychic Talents, but who want to serve the Tower though not qualified for Keeper Assistant duties. They are mostly local toughs or thugs from the Interplanetary Zone who got caught doing something that would get them exiled, unless they, uh, ‘volunteer’ for the Corps.”
“So you’ll be riding herd on some ex-soldiers and some street toughs. That should be fun. I know you oversee Workbros regularly, so you know how to be strict with them. Just remember, they are doing what you tell them to do not because they want to, but because you give them no choice. Same applies to their presence at KAZaZ. You need to make sure they’re clean, groomed and controlled. You’ll be bringing a work gang to the Tower so make sure you give yourselves at least two hours to get them prepped. That means pulling them off field work, or runner duty, by mid-afternoon. They need at least an hour to practice The Stomp -- DAKDaMLAP TUKADOD, well in their case, DAKDaMLAP TUKALOD, ‘foot stomping’, not ‘boot stomping’.”
“It would be a good idea if you can have them at KAZaZ a couple of hours before the party so you can let them sleep until they are needed.”
“Getting some rest yourselves would not be a bad idea. The uniform of the day for you boys is your shorts and boots; yes, wear your jocks too.”
A couple of hours later the three young KAs had the ten Workbros from the Work Corp compound, a few hundred yards south of the Tower, groomed and jogging there and down to the KAZaZ chamber through one of the NullGrav Tubes.
The chamber was a 15 foot deep, 50 by 30 foot void in the Great Crystal. It was furnished for gatherings of Gray Knights and their guests, with rows of cushioned wood platforms along all four walls, between the entryways. A somewhat higher platform at one end was reserved for the Mage as Commander. The center of the chamber was empty except for two display platforms and a raised fire pit. The boys were directed to bring their Workbros to the far end platform. They were lined-up on their bellies and told to sleep.
[2] Party Starts
Another couple of hours later various Knights, Keepers and Cadets began to arrive and find places to sit, greeting each other and quietly talking. They ignored Rad, Will and O’dn, waiting with the Workbros, all sound asleep.
Sir Thorn and his companions arrived, in their shorts and boots, and walked over to the boys as relaxing music began. They could hear and feel the music which seemed to emanate from the crystal walls of the chamber. Thorn, smiling, spoke,
“Great to see that you successfully herded a bunch of now sleeping, but no doubt about to become enthusiastic, Workbros. Let’s leave them as they are until the party officially starts with the arrival of our Commander, URLARD. Until then, though, come join us for a drink. When the Mage arrives the music will pick-up and you’ll need to get the Workbros up. Hope you had them practice The Stomp since they’ll be expected to entertain while we all get drunk enough to join-in.”
Drinks were passed around; the fire was lit and maintained with copious amounts of hemp and incense, no doubt for the Dragons who flitted around the chamber. When Rad saw them he looked questioningly at Thorn,
“Dragons always come to KAZaZ. They revel in the aromatics... hemp, incense and testosterone...”
[3] The Knights’ Stomp
An hour or so later dozens of Knights, Keepers, Cadets and Workbros were drunk enough. Loud music, loud talking, and the rhythmic stomping of boots in time to said music, as several ‘chains’ of stompers danced around the chamber, had Rad flushed and grinning while he and Thorn tried to outdo each other with fancy footwork.
After the Mage retired from the chamber all restraint was forgotten. A bit later Ice and Feo disappeared,
“Probably snuck-off to fly to the farm and spend the rest of the night with your sisters... Left Will ‘n’ O’dn here... Let’s keep ‘em busy...”
Thorn, nodding, got the three boys into the “Standard Knight Stomp” – a bunch of Knights and Keepers in the tight line that snaked around the chamber, all their boots hitting the floor, more or less in time to typical martial beats.
As the drinking continued the precise stomping got a little ragged and the Workbros were pulled into the line, their tough bare feet stomping too. Rad, leaning back against Thorn so he could be heard over the music,
“Ya see, even the Workbros are gettin’ into it. Get ‘em a little drunk an’ treat ‘em like regular guys an’ they’re stomping with the rest o’ us... grinnin’ too...”
Thorn pulled Rad against him and kept on stomping.
“Right bro, that’s called ‘Tight Stompin’... ya know... only boys’ butts’ off limits...”
“Uh, I can see that. Are all Knights that big?”
Thorn grinned,
“Yeah, it’s a side effect of that Spell that makes us produce only sons...”
Rad took him seriously, gazing up at him, until he started guffawing.
[4] Private Time
Later Thorn and Rad took a break and leaned back on the cushions. He spoke into the KAs ear,
“You know where you’re sleeping tonight, right?”
“Uh... in the Knight’s barracks?”
“You got it Bro!”
“Yeah, but I’ve got my mates... can four fit on a bunk?”
“Don’t worry, there’s an empty bunk there for them. Not for you.”
“You’re not gonna take advantage of me being drunk, are ya?”
“You can bet on it...”
Chapters Three: Camping Party
A few months later, as the Pilgrimage date came closer, Ice and Feo surprised Thorn and Rad for the KA’s 18th Birthday.
“The four of us are bringing you two on a camping holiday, back to where you met, by the Conjoining Sea.”
Late in the afternoon the six companions met at the sky cycle base, high in the Great Tower. Backpacks bungeed to the null-grav cycles, the Knights, with one KA aboard each cycle, soared from the Tower and flew south along the Conjoining Sea to the beach where the Farm Town folk had their camping sites, right along the community board walk among the dunes, where Thorn, his father and brother, had built a tent platform.
[1] On the Beach
Their tent set up, the young men and now older boys dived into the surf, tossing discs flying back and forth, pushing against the waves. This time of year the flow of the Sea was from the hot south, so the water was comfortably warm. They played in the surf until it was just dark when they got their fire going to prepare dinner.
While they waited on blankets around the fire they reminisced as several bottles were passed around, prompting O’dn to comment,
“Alright! The party finally starts...”
Rad, leaning back against Thorn, watching the stars come out: “It doesn’t get better than this...”
Feo, “But will be even better when our boys are old enough to be here...”
Will guffawing: “Right, bare-assed on the sand.”
Thorn, snorting: “Not if my sisters stop to imagine what might go on at boys’ camp-outs! Come to think of it, they’re probably Remote Viewing us right now...”
That spurred some rearranging of the beach blankets around the fire pit with Rad remarking,
“Well they won’t mind a little snuggle time on a cool evening...”
[2] Brotherhood
Thorn pulled Rad closer, wrapping the blanket around them both; Feo replied,
“You and Thorn always seem to find time for cuddling. It’s all OK. Lots of Knights and KA’s form close bonds. We even have an Oath of Brotherhood [PSAKaDLABeR YE>N< KOSOD] for that. Are you two ready for it?”
The two looked at each other, Thorn expressing both of their thoughts.
“We’re ready. I’ve been ready since the day we met, and that was years ago... Rad and I agree that we’ll face the future together.”
To which Ice joked,
“Right brothers, happily we’re on an underpopulated, frontier world, where we value fecundity so you two can pair-bond as much as you want, so long as you also reproduce. Ya know, you could hire a birthing woman and one contribute an ‘X’ chromosome and the other the ‘Y’...”
To which Thorn replied,
“Sure, so long as it’s my ‘Y’!”
Which resulted in the two wrestling for dominance while kicking off their blanket. That’s when Ice, O’dn and Will jumped in and dragged the two apart, holding on to them. Feo took over the discussion,
“OK you two; you can decide who’s the top and who’s the bottom later. Repeat the Oath after me:
“I swear a forever
Oath of Brotherhood
With my Friend in the Order:
We are One together in Love and Brotherhood.”
The two became quiet and serious as they repeated the Oath in both languages. Their friends pushed them together into a group hug, with Ice explaining,
“On cold nights in the North we bundle together to keep warm. I’ve seen the two of you get all hot and bothered when wrestling or whatever, so don’t hold back. We’ll just get drunker watching...”
Thorn and Rad were determined not to put on a show for their friends so they rolled a blanket around themselves and pretended to sleep while the embers lulled their friends. After a decent interval they grabbed the blanket and snuck around a sand dune.
Chapter Four: Pilgrimage Dragon Party
As the Mage had explained to him at his nephews’ first birthday, to continue his Fifth Degree Training Thorn is to be sent on a pilgrimage a third of the way across the planet, to learn from the Dragons. He had chosen Rad to accompany him. Thorn’s Dragon-friend is to meet them along the way.
[1] Planning the Journey
The grueling Journey must be made without modern tech (a condition the Dragons imposed) and so they must travel the Great River [URRATAT] upstream, a gang of manimals at the oars (with Thorn and Rad rowing too). The plan is to stop at the Green Crystal Temple and then continue up the North Tributary into the Mountains of Fire and Ice, to the mysterious Stronghold of the Dragons, MACRODOTYaB.
Beforehand a squad of manimal Workbros were to be trained and geared as oarsmen, Rad explaining to Thorn,
“For the past month I’ve been working with Workbros Gang 7 (they were at the KAZaZ party a couple of months ago) to prepare ‘em for rower duty. Increased their feed and rest but otherwise kept them on the forced power runners, building their stamina. Those bros have put on some impressive muscle and I can keep ‘em at it 16 hours at a stretch. I’ve calculated the amount of feed we’ll need for a nearly 4,000 mile trip, mostly up the Great River. The boat’s going to start-off heavy, but the trip back downriver will be much easier!”
“Ya know Thorn, when you get to know a gang of the Workbros they’re not bad men. Yeah, I know they’re where they are for ‘crimes against the peace,’ but I can tell they’re getting to feel some pride in the task for which we’re training ‘em. I know you fought against ‘em, but we’re going to be in close quarters with ‘em, so please treat ‘em humanely.”
Thorn thought a bit and replied,
“I’ll give it a try Rad. But, don’t expect me to sit by the fire with ‘em singing camp songs. I’ll be the tough commander an’ you can be the nice guy, so long as we make progress every day pushing up river.”
That’s when Ice and Feo provided a river boat which looked suspiciously like an Old Terran longboat, complete with dragonhead and tail and twelve oars. No doubt made in the Northlands and sturdy enough for the rough northern sea, or the swift Great River.
Knights, Keepers, the Mage, even some Dragons, were present at their leave taking from the dock by the Tower. Thorn’s sisters, and their boys, were there as well. The boys were climbing all over the boat and tried to hide aboard as it was about to cast-off.
“Who has ‘the Juniors’?”
“Has anyone seen them?”
“Can’t you see them? They’re hiding right behind those barrels!”
“Boys, stop bending light. No invisibility!”
The Dragons thought the vessel was quite funny, as were the boys. The humans could see dragon energies swirling around, especially by Ice and Feo’s sons, who were playing in the energetic mist that those with Talents could see. The Dragons were also paying close attention to the naked rowers, each of whom had an ankle chain hooked to a bolt on the deck.
The Mage offered a formal blessing, pouring a bit of fine mead over the dragonhead,
“I name thee ‘Swift Water Rider’, calling forth protection and intent. Be swift, be protected!”
They pushed off from the Tower Dock and into the current.
Thorn was pleasantly surprised by how light and easily propelled the boat seemed, hoping it would express its name: SaDAKRODeR BOBOSOD – Swift Ship by speeding them up river.
[2] Journey to the Green Crystal Temple
The first section of the trip was from the Tower across the large mouth of the Great River, with its turbulent mixing of Sea and River, and then into the main river current. With all twelve at the oars it was still a struggle to push past NuMarket City the first day, finding a quiet tributary beyond the Interplanetary Zone and the more densely inhabited townlands on either side.
That’s where they camped the first night. The Workbros were exhausted. As were Thorn and Rad. Thorn insisted, once they got the rowers off the boat, wrists latched back, and standing at brace in a row,
“I see ya all panting an’ worn-down. That’s how every day’s gonna end here on the River. I wasn’t happy with ya performance today. I expect more progress as we move up river an’ ya get used t’ rowin’. Don’t let me down or expect t’ get punished.”
“Rad, let’s find a spot away from camp for them t’ poop ‘n’ piss. Then throw a tarp on the ground by our tent; get ‘em on it. Then it’s on their bellies, another tarp over ‘em, for enforced rest. We get the tent.”
Later Thorn and Rad were sharing a blanket, Thorn commenting,
“OK bro, guess you’re right. Those Workbros really pushed hard. No way that I could keep up with them and I’m in good shape, like you. I see we both took breaks. I’ll treat ‘em with respect, but no slack!”
The rowing ground on for another two weeks, with the rowers struggling daily against the current. Finally, Rad called Thorn,
“Look on the river horizon; there’s a green glinting... towering mountains beyond.”
“Right bro, we’re seeing the Green Crystal Temple, where the Great River divides into its two main tributaries: the North Branch [YaKUPeR] and the South Branch [PZaTeR].
“Let’s push the manimals; I want them to get us there by sundown.”
As the sun was setting to the west it gleamed through a gigantic crystal, the size of a large hill, which had been cunningly transformed into a statue of an ancient Terran philosopher, known as the Enlightened One [E Y<>C<>eR]. Both Thorn and Rad stood by the ship’s prow, gazing at the Temple as their rowers struggled toward the shore, now in turbulent waters again, where the two great tributaries mixed. Once the boat was tied to the dock and oars stowed Rad latched their wrists back and left their ankle cuffs bolted to the boat, saying to Thorn,
“That’ll keep ‘em from wandering off.”
To the rowers,
“Rest here; keep quiet. We’ll be back.”
[3] At the Temple
The two strode across a large open field finally reaching the tall doorway at the base of the Temple. It was not easy to fully comprehend the size of what they were approaching. Was it a building the size of a mountain, or a mountain carved to resemble a gigantic sculpture of a robed man sitting cross-egged in meditation?
Even on a world where buildings were ‘grown’ by wizards with Talents that allowed the builders to psychically ‘coax’ materials from deep within the planet, enchanting them to form fanciful but useful structures, this work stood as unique.
The doors, when they reached them, stood dozens of feet tall. Ornate and gilded, they were pierced with an intricate design, representing the Wheel of the Dharma, made brilliant with artfully placed stained glass in shades of red, contrasting with, and complimenting the luminescent green of the great statue.
At the base of these ceremonial gates were two more prosaic doors within the doors. One was opened and several monks in bright orange robes were coming and going. Two turned to the companions and bowing, greeted them, the elder speaking softly,
“Welcome travelers. You are expected. Please follow.”
The robes swirled and the companions followed into the cool and quiet interior. There was a long, tall hall, softly lit green with light filtering through the mass of the temple. They reached a series of doorways and followed the monks through the last one and to a spiral staircase upward.
Several flights higher they were led down another hall toward a double door with light streaming through its glazing. The doors led to a large porch overlooking the countryside, a branch of the Great River on either side, high mountains in the distance.
[4] Tea Party with the Abbot
At a table along the porch railing sat another elderly monk. The table had cups and a steaming teapot on it. He motioned them to seats facing him across it.
The tea was aromatic. The monks were silent. Thorn spoke first,
“It is an honor to be received by the Abbot of the Green Crystal Temple. We have come seeking your help on our journey to the Stronghold of the Dragons.”
The Abbot replied,
“Yes ZUR NeZDeR, we are aware of your quest. It is our privilege to assist you on your way.”
He sipped more tea and continued,
“This Temple is both a place in space-time and a particular nexus of powerful illuminating energies, of a different nature than the healing energies of the Valley of the Healers or of what we see as the martial energies of the Great Tower.”
He paused again, sipping,
“I invite you and your companion to spend the night here in the Temple in the Chamber of the Third Eye, E C<>CAP in Dragon-talk. I think you will find the experience enlightening. If you return to the main entrance at sundown, a monk will lead you there.”
Standing, Thorn bowed and replied seriously,
“Thank you for your kindness.”
The Abbot stood too, smiling,
“As you leave to return to your ship until nightfall there will be baskets of bread, mead and cheese for you and your crew. Greet the Great Dragons for us.”
[5] Faring Forth: Remote Viewing the Dragon Hold
Their rowers were happy to share in the monks’ simple but substantial food. Rad was happy that they would have extra food for their trip with its unknown duration. They set up camp and saw to the rowers.
They returned to the Temple as the sun disappeared to the west. Another monk, hardly distinguishable from other monks in his robes, motioned for them to follow.
Once again they entered into the great hall, but this time, they turned aside to another hall that led to another long and tight spiral stairs up to a perfectly globular chamber that protruded from the wall of the sculpture, forming the Third Eye of the gigantic statue. The crystal wall was thin enough to see clearly over the confluence of the tributaries that formed the Great River.
The monk pointed to a pile of cushions that filled the bottom of the globe and departed.
Rad led the way, sliding down the curved wall and onto the cushions; Thorn, laughing, slide down too. Rad pointed back to a rope ladder that hung down from below the entrance,
“Well, I guess we’re supposed to climb back out in the morning.”
“Yes, I suspect there will be a spectacular sunrise of Altsol over the River. But now, I propose we sit in meditation as the stars come out and see what happens.”
Rad, grinning, added,
“I’ve got a couple of cannabis cookies... so the night won’t be a total loss...”
Later, his arm around Rad, feeling as though they were floating in space, stars above, glistening river below, Thorn whispers,
“I feel dragon energy... Powerful energy... Pay attention!”
He pulled the youth onto his lap, wrapping legs and arms around him, hugging them close together.
The dark in the room was slowly replaced with a pearly luminosity. It coalesced about them, glowing. Rad could feel a tingling sensation throughout his body. Thorn appeared lit from within. It seemed to Rad that Thorn and the Light were conversing. Then Thorn spoke,
“My Dragon-Friend [MACRODOT-KaZOD] wishes to take us on an out-of-body ride. He needs your consent to overshadow you, as he is overshadowing me. It is like being embraced in light. It feels good.”
“I already feel a tingling and see you enveloped in light. Let’s go for it!”
They closed their eyes, but as the Dragon ‘overshadowed’ them they could see as if through 360 degree eyesight. As their minds leaped up and out through the crystal wall the whole world, spread below them, was bathed in light, though it was the middle of the night and Altluna had not yet arisen.
Rad thought he heard Thorn’s voice,
“This is how the world appears to the Dragons: full circle vision and a very broad spectrum. My friend has dampened his own perception so as not to overwhelm us. He’s taking us West, up the River tributary, perhaps to the Dragon Hold.”
They gazed down noticing their ship, feeling the Dragon reach into their minds, acknowledging the boat,
“Dragon ship for dragon riders; oarsmen to fly across the water...”
Then they turned north and west, following the northern branch, gliding above the dark, choppy waters, which began to reflect broken light as Altluna arose.
Soon they could see the Mountains of Fire and Ice looming far upriver. The ruddy glow of the volcanoes of the Mountains of Fire to the left reflected off the moon-bright snow fields of the Mountains of Ice on the right. They swooped to the left toward the wall of mountains and the shadows of the evergreen forest there.
There they followed a deep river canyon to the Dragon Hold, zooming toward a spectacular, but deeply shaded vision of polished stone arrayed into intricate towers, shimmering in the moonlight, fairy lights moving in and out...
And then they soared up and back to the river, blasting east toward the rising sun...
As the Dragon faded from their minds Thorn distinctly heard,
“By the coming initiation this Being becomes a Great Dragon with a Name of Power [MaSaD LAZ<>OD]: COKCASRODeR [East Wind Rider]. I await your arrival...”
They returned to consciousness, still sitting together, opening their eyes, as Altsol rose to the east, far down river. Neither spoke for some time.
“Rad, I’m not sure what you experienced, but I know exactly where we’re going...”
“Thorn, it was amazing; let’s get going! Hope the monks have some more baskets for us...”
[6] Journey to the Dragon Hold
Their oarsmen were happy to see them carrying more baskets of provisions. It was a cool but sunny morning, perfect rowing weather. The Green Crystal Temple stood on the point where the two main tributaries of the Great River met, flowing thence to the Conjoining Sea. The two rivers, the north, flowing from the mountains, murky in the sun light, and the south, sparkling from its journey through as-yet unpopulated grasslands, met in turbulent waters.
The Dragon Boat struggled through hundreds of yards of white water, finally breaking into the main stream of the tributary, where hard rowing drove it upstream.
They stopped for the night, hauling the boat onto a spit of sand below cliffs on either side. Later, the companions, wrapped in a blanket, watched the water flow by, conversing,
“Wonder what our friends are doing?”
“Likely Ice and Fee are hanging out with my sisters, making more babies...”
“And O’dn and Will are sleeping in the Keepers’ Barracks!”
“What do we know about the trip up river? The north branch seems rougher than the southern.”
“I think my Dragon friend showed me the route. Beyond these cliffs is a calmer area, then more cliffs and rough water. Then straight rowing for several days to the canyon to the Dragon Hold.”
They were quiet as the stars twinkled overhead. Thorn continued,
“E MACRODOTYaB – the Dragon Hold – is deep in the highest mountains, where the Mountains of Fire meet those of Ice. I am amazed at what we saw, faring forth. How will it look in conscious daylight! Extraordinary designs of the structures which the Dragons have coaxed into existence! They must use psychic capacities similar to some of the maker Talents possessed by our people. The Dragons do not need dwellings, or any material conditions; their designs are pure art, and ritual, set in stone.”
After a week or more rowing up the “Right Tributary” of the Great River they arrived at towering cliffs, as Thorn had seen, directed by their Guide, COKCAS to the small break in the cliffs where a rushing stream entered the River from its canyon. Securing their boat at a spit of sand the human company climbed up and onto an escarpment partway up the ridgeside, following the stream into the mountains.
As they marched along the stream the mountains towered closer and closer. They could see, off to the left, the ruddy glow of the volcanos beyond the nearest peaks. The risen sun gleamed off the ice fields above and to the right.
It was nearly nightfall when they found themselves within a thousand yards of the mountainside. Thorn held up his right arm, calling for a halt. They stood in silence, looking up at the intricate, truly ‘alien’ stone work of the Dragon Hold.
“COKCAS says we are to camp over there, by those trees.”
He pointed. Rad followed his arm, noticing the copse a few hundred yards to the right, one of the few clumps of trees on what was a high mountain meadow. They changed directions and moved across the line of the Dragons’ stone work
[7] Camping Before the Dragon Hold
The humans had been invited to camp near the center of the meadow, in a small decline which was watered by an icy stream from the right and a hot spring from the left. Where they met was a nicely warm pond surrounded by soft and fragrant mosses luxuriating in the perfect environment for their species: a multicolored garden loved by the Dragons and a perfect place to camp. This was surrounded by dark evergreens, sheltering, but standing back from, the garden of mosses and the pond. It was a place that invited comfort and security. After weeks of hard rowing, a climb and march, it was time to drop all burdens, strip, soak and let go.
And so that’s exactly what the crew and companions did.
But before the last light faded Thorn put on his stern face,
“OK all you grunts, out of the water. Gotta set up camp, two tents and a fire... Do that fast enough and you can get back in the water a while after eating...”
[8] The Towers of the Dragon Hold
They woke refreshed next morning. The rising sun slanted through the trees and against the face of the Dragon Hold which, in the bright light, showed its true colors, a kaleidoscope of polished and cut minerals, in all the shades of stone; shattered, melted, re-crystalized, and carved by time and dragon; born of the clash between the Mountains of Fire and the Mountains of Ice.
These intricate towers and galleries, and tinkling stone chimes, worked their way up the mountain sides, up near the ice and snow which capped the Stronghold on the right, and nearly as far up as to be close to the volcanic caldera to the left.
After breakfast, and securing their rowers, Rad and Thorn walked toward the Dragon Hold. They began to hear a gentle whistling, resolving into many streams of sound flowing through and from the stone.
As they approached they were dwarfed by the enormous size of the structures, if these intricate traceries of stone could be deemed a ‘structure.’ Thorn felt he could see Dragons, faintly glowing, flowing into and out from the stonework. He paused, placed a hand on Rad’s shoulder, pointing with the other to where several glowing streamers were flowing from the cliff face toward them. Rad nodded his head, indicating that he saw something...
And then they were surrounded by light; the air about them vibrating and twinkling; the chimes and wind adding to the artistic effect. One of the swirls of light coalesced around Thorn, mimicking his size and shape. Rad noticed,
“That’s the Dragon that visited us at the Green Crystal Temple?”
Thorn, his gaze far-off, nodded, and walked over to the boy, the surrounding entity flowing along with his gate.
“They want me to enter through a slit in the mountain wall, in that shadow, over there...”
His arm reached out.
“Walk with me, but only I may enter. You’ll need to wait with the rowers... it may be several days...”
His arm reached around, pulling Rad against himself; the dragon energy embraced them both. They reached the cliff wall, staring at the intricate carving of the surface.
“It’s fractal patterns, repeating but not repeating. Astounding...”
Then Rad could see the opening, a dozen feet high, about 2 feet wide. It appeared to give access to a vast space, shafts of light piercing the intricate carvings, making the stone floor dappled with light. Fairy lights were twinkling in the space; Dragon energies floated by.
Thorn turned to Rad, hugged him, and then turned, trance-like to the slit, and entered, disappearing into the shadows.
Rad waited a few minutes and returned to the campsite.
[9] Chamber of Initiation
Thorn felt as though he were gliding through a dream as he passed from the bright morning light, through the narrow gateway and into the shadows of the interior of the mountain. He felt a vague sense of unease. Nonetheless he felt the protective surround of his Dragon friend.
He noticed that the floor, made from the same multicolored agates as the mountainside was polished to a fine sheen. There was fine tracery along the floor, reflecting the fractal patterns of the Dragon Cliffside. Shafts of light seemed to slowly slide across the stone... as though his perception had slowed such that he could see the movement of Altsol, mimicked in the shafts of light.
His perceptions seemed somehow elongated. He had a thought, perhaps the first in hours...
“Friend Dragon, this place is a gigantic computing device, an energy machine... what does it make?”
Then he found himself mounting a long series of steps to an open portico, the ruddy sun just setting behind distant hills to the west. Fairy lights, like those in the Party Tree back home, were hovering about. He heard is question reverberating; he heard an answer in his mind, as if spoken by several voices, overlapping, repeating, echoing...
“KaZ YE<N> eMACRODOT, Friend of Dragons,
this place was made for you;
to raise you to a higher state of consciousness.
“These chambers are an Illumination Machine.
Your folk have many machines,
thinking machines, robotic machines, even a resurrection machine;
we have made this one machine to expand our experience of Art,
thereby maturing the Spirit-Mind of your folk on this world.
You, Knight of the Tower, NeZDer DABCABeROD,
born of this world and of your folk,
will now be born again, to a new reality,
oh man of Terra, man of Alterra.”
“Before the coming of humanity to our world
we had no need for a Dragon Hold.
We built the Hold to experience what you experience when you construct.
It – making -- seems a defining behavior of your species. And as we built we learned...”
“But now we are here for a special purpose; come forward.
There is a meditation platform here, facing the setting sun.
Sit and enter into yourself.
Eyes closed. Breathing slowed...
Become as one with your Dragon Friend...”
Thorn’s mind faded into a glowing point as he felt his being and his Dragon Friend coincided, point by point. He felt his friend changing, becoming a Great Dragon, one of the elders of his kind, more powerful, yet more connect to the Dragon’s human counterpart. Thorn thought,
“Friend COKCAS, now I feel the enhanced power of a great dragon; I partake of your broad-spectrum perceptions; seeing so much wider that humanity’s narrow window of light and sound. Now I understand the power of the Protectors, eCABDABeR. I look forward to the day when we two will assume the post of the Protector of the East.”
“I thank my Dragon Friends. I am humbled..., but will I always have this high mindedness? How, perceiving time and space and spirit as I now do, will I ever interact with the everyday world?
He paused and the multiple voices responded,
“Your brain has filters that will allow you to act in your world;
but, any time you have need,
call upon the Great Dragon you have nicknamed COKCAS;
he is always with you.
Even now you can call upon the full power of a Protector,
but take some of what you call time and learn how to work together,
and with your companions.
You are a leader among your kind;
that is a reason we chose you for this task.
As a son of this world your mind abilities will continue to grow.
Your adventures with COKCAS and your companions have only just begun...
What have you to say to that?
Thorn thought, then responded:
“There is but one Word I must add to this Ritual of Initiation; as the Mage taught us, that Word is ‘Love’ – for without it no Ritual is complete, but with it, no negation may enter the Ritual Space. Let me recite for you a poem written long ago by the Mage’s Spouse, which I memorized when a Cadet,
The Journey
The process winds and buckles
and whispers through its spin
direction leaves us breathless
perceiving scenes within-
So life proves its illusions
so age replaces youth
But wisdom sparks the breakthrough
Love is the only Truth. Kate, 2021 TCE
[10] Thorn’s Poem
Thorn found himself walking out of the mountainside as the sun was rising again,
“How many days? Hungry...”
He felt his Dragon friend still with him; he felt they would never be apart again. He heard,
“Satisfy your physical needs. Then one task remains before you return to the River, the Elders wish you to express your feelings in PSAKaDAS, True Speech, for the great Art of your folk is a word-art, as you do not think except in words. Then they will grant you the Mark of Initiation. Return to the Gate when you are ready.”
As he staggered back to the campsite Rad must have seen him, as the lad came running. He grabbed his friend and helped him to continue walking.
“It’s been four days! What happened? Are you OK?”
“Need water, food, rest...”
The next day, a much refreshed Thorn sat with Rad by the camp fire, breakfasting on hot oat porridge with dried fruit and nuts. He described his experience, as best as he could remember. Rad took notes,
“The Mage will want a report... And the Dragons want a poem... an odd thing to want from a warrior! I guess they want to make sure, though you’re a thug, you’re a cultured thug!”
They laughed and then Rad left Thorn alone, bustling around the rowers, who would soon be back on the River. Hopefully boating downriver will be less arduous than rowing upriver.
Later that day Thorn called Rad over and read to him,
eMACRODOT RODaMU A<PE MACZaL PYODLABeR. Dragons ride the air freely.
E PYODROTL DaBaMO< A<P eZORODaM. This Freeman walked World Gates.
ZaMDaBTAPeR YE>Z E MACRODOTYaB Pilgrimaging to the Dragon Hold.
TATeB ZaMACRODaM; Here to shaman-journey;
TATeB MACRODaM: Here to ride the dragon:
YE>M E COKUM RODaMa> A<P YaZAM, From the East I ride to Higher Planes,
YE>C a>MACRODOT-LATO>LeS, K<>. With my dragon-brother, Love.
Next morning Thorn and Rad walked back to the mountain gate. Rad remarking,
“COKCAS is with you; your aura feels different...”
Thorn looked toward him,
“The Mage is right; all of our generation has greater Talents than past generations...”
Rad waited at the gate while Thorn entered again.
COKCAS guided him back into the Chambers of the Dragons; this time, though, Thorn’s experience of time seemed normal. Back up the steps, no doubt made for human use, as Dragons had no need, being able to defy gravity. At the portico Thorn read his poem which seemed to be acceptable.
“Now PYODROTL-KaZ we will fill your mind with the Secrets of the Dragon. We will mark you as a Dragon Friend, and the Talented will know of your Mark. Breathe deeply, and receive...”
When Thorn reemerged into daylight hours had passed. When Rad turned to speak, Thorn nodded,
“No speaking... tomorrow...”
They returned to the campsite in silence and Thorn went to sleep immediately. Rad sat up most of the night, watching his friend who, periodically, seemed to have troubled dreams. He felt the presence of the Dragon.
[11] Secret Teachings
The next morning the best Thorn could do at explaining what he had experienced was to speak in a Haiku, in English, which he then translated into PSAKaDAS.
E LAZ<> LARLOT The singular god
PA>T LAMa> YaD LAZ<> PA>T That I am and the god that
LAMO>: DART LAM L<> Thou art: All are One.
“Didn’t know you were becoming a poet, adding to the Shaman’s Songs!”
“Rad, I didn’t know that either...everything mutates and becomes more of itself when humans and dragons interact... they’ve got plans for all of us, especially my nephews! But not sure what they plan...
[12] Dragon Party
Later that day, as they prepared to break camp, COKCAS coalesced before them, withdrawing from Thorn, appearing in the guise of a young Keeper’s Assistant, not unlike Rad, speaking by vibrating the air,
“Before you return to the River we invite you to remain another night. After sunset this Dragon and some other young Dragons will visit your campsite for what you call a ‘party’ Have you any of the Monk’s Mead? Any incense?”
Thorn and Rad laughed, Rad replying,
“Yes we do, and the Mage gave me incense as a gift for your folk as we leave. So, yes, we await you and your friends.”
That night the humans were treated to a display of dragon lights; mead was drunk, and some poured onto warm rocks near the fire, the essence evaporating to the delight of the Dragons.
Hemp-based incense was burned, and was of a type that was especially loved by them; the lights that they emitted became more raucous and intricate...
The humans sang camp songs from old earth, the two Alterrans joining their Terran rowers. They all became quite drunk.
The Dragons did find the young humans entertaining. The humans found the Dragons extraordinary. Late in the night COKCAS again withdrew from Thorn and made himself visible and palpable, vibrating the air so all felt his words.
“There is much we seek to learn from our human friends. Matters that even a hundred years of studying your species we have not yet learned. One among many is this thing you call an ‘orgasm’ – we are not sure, but believe it has something to do with how your species reproduces.”
The dragon paused,
“We dragons do that by melding together and then one of the birthing group gives rise to a bud that blossoms into a new dragon. While the experience is pleasant, and having ‘offspring’ as you call it, fulfilling, we do not experience anything like the energetic and biochemical release that we see in your species’ experience. We wish to learn more and request that you show us.”
Thorn looked to Rad, shrugging,
“Let’s get our rowers in a circle; they can show our guests how it’s done.”
Rad nodded,
Thorn pushed the rather drunk manimals into a circle, smacking a few bare butts in the process, dropping his shorts and nodding to Rad to do the same. They stood with the rowers and began to count strokes. Other than that, and the sounds of the fire and the nearby hot springs, the campsite became quiet.
The Dragons coalesced among the humans, flowing into and out of the circle, absorbing the energy field radiated by the rowers’ efforts; the Dragons glowing brightly as the humans ejaculated.
COKCAS vibrated in Thorn and Rad’s minds,
“Thank you friends; that was most interesting... and delicious... You and your rowers will be changed by this experience; we have corrected any flaws in your physical or mental structure and you will find stamina increased and minds calmed. We know you have a hundred of what you call ‘Workbros’; if you wish, we can correct them too; they will be much more useful to you...”
Rad replied,
“Some of us think it was a mistake keeping them on this world in the first place; making them better involuntary workers may not be helping...”
The Dragon hesitated,
“We did with them what we do together with your Healers, helping humans attain and maintain wholeness in the circumstances they find themselves. We do understand that there is conflict in your feelings, as there was conflict with them when they came to this world. We do not judge. Ask your Mage to inspect them; he will learn what he needs to understand. I will follow your progress home and join you when you return to the Tower.”
Thorn explained,
“My ancestors came to this world as refugees and we have always treated with you as friends, honorably, but these men came here with weapons, intent on conquest. They forfeited their freedom, as the Mage says.”
Rad looked at him and shook his head. The Dragon replied.
“We do not judge. They are yours to deal with as you will.”
With that the dragons were gone and Rad busied himself getting the rowers restrained for the remainder of the night.
[13] Journey Toward Home
By shortly after dawn the camp had been packed-up and the crew was climbing back down the ridge side and back to their Dragon Boat. A few minutes later they had pushed off and were heading down stream to the River and home.
Gliding downriver was far easier than rowing against the current so the trip took on a nearly festive appearance. Guiding the boat around boulders was what needed attention, not speed.
The rowers, urged on by Rad, even started singing as they went, old songs like
“Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream...”
After a few days on the River they reached the confluence of the two main tributaries of the Great River. They could see the huge green crystal statue glistening in the sunshine. Caught in the swift flowing of the River they decided to continue, waving at some monks by the shore who waved back.
Another day and there were dark gray clouds on the horizon, downriver. Rad spoke to Thorn as they prepared to find a suitable riverbank to stop for the night.
“Hope it’s just an ordinary storm. After our adventures with bifurcation bleed-through and all that stuff I don’t think I’ll ever be sure that it’s just weather...”
“Rad, this time it is. I checked on my cell, but high winds and lots of rain. Let’s find a side channel and get off the main river, under some trees...”
“Hey, I thought we weren’t supposed to use ‘human tech’ on this pilgrimage...”
“Uh, not exactly. I was told I had to use muscle power alone to get to the Dragon Hold. No one told me about what to do after, so I’m free to act as I want. And over there is a side stream, and a good size one. Let’s get our rowers to work. They’ve been getting lazy, floating down the River!”
Rad directed the boat into the stream and started encouraging more vigorous rowing with a combination of jokes and threats, and as the oars dug deeper into the water, the supple Dragon Boat pivoted, crossed the current, and headed upstream into the side river as the clouds came further upriver.
[14] Tea Party at the Valley of the Healers
“Thorn, do you know where we are?”
“Yes, GPS says we’ve entered the River of the Valley of Healers, RATAT YE>N< NOZRAT HOZTATOD, called RATAT NOZRATeR, but the Valley itself is a couple of hundred miles upriver. We’ll have to find a sheltered cove and wait out the storm. We’d best get as far as we can; let’s grab oars and lead our rowers by example.”
An hour later they were miles above the confluence of the rivers, seeking shelter. They found a cove with a thick evergreen forest against a Cliffside. Upon hauling the boat out they prepared to make camp.
Before they could start, however, Rad spotted a flying disc coming downriver toward them.
“Thorn, look there! An antigrav flyer heading here...”
A minute later the disc landed by the water’s edge. A ramp came down to the beach. Several Matrons of the Healers exited, their flowing green robes instantly denoting their status. Thorn strode toward them.
“Greetings Sisters! We are honored.”
He bowed. The eldest spoke,
“And we greet you, ZUR NeZDeR. We know of your journey. There is a storm coming and we invite you and your crew to come with us. Guests on quests are always welcomed.”
Thorn smiled and bowed again. He turned to Rad,
“Let’s get a tarp over the boat and get shorts on our rowers.”
The Elder Matron spoke again,
“We will await you in the disc. Please hurry. Sister Grace will guide you.”
Once the companions had the rowers’ mouth guards in place, wrists latched back and in a close line, a strong chain running between legs and hooked to their control belts, they led them to the disc.
As they walked up the ramp Thorn addressed the Matron awaiting them.
“Sister Grace, our rowers are prisoners and we have to keep them under close guard. Where can we secure them?”
“Of course. I will lead you to the cargo hold. They can be locked in there.”
There were several storage bins, one of which was large enough to pack the rowers into it.
“Stay put. Eyes shut. If you misbehave you’ll be on short rations for the rest of the journey.”
The bin gate was locked and the rowers were left alone. The Matron led the companions to the observation deck where they watched the vessel glide quickly upriver, a few feet above the water.
Two hours later they could see a scattering of log cabins and larger log buildings among some giant trees along the river and around a large spring-fed pond at its source. The antigrav craft settled by the river near one of the cabins. Their Matron guide explained,
“This cabin is for your use. We will bring food. Tonight I will come for you as the Chief Matrons wish to invite you to Tea. Our Patroness, the Mage’s Spouse, is not in the Valley at the moment, but The Three Who Watch [E SUR PA<B CAPDYaMeR], our Overseeresses, would be honored with your presence...”
She paused, bowing.
“When we return with food we would like to examine you and your rowers. We received a message from the Tower that they had a message from the Dragon Hold that we should do so, as we might learn from your experience that which might be of benefit to our healing arts. We will need to take some samples too, blood, saliva, sperm.”
She bowed and left while the companions looked at each other, eyes widening, and then around them at the cabin interior.
It consisted of a large room with loft along the back end, a small kitchen and a door that, Rad discovered, led to a bathroom with a big shower. Hampers of food and drink arrived. The rowers were released and, all sitting on the floor of the main room, food was shared around.
After, Thorn and Rad sat out on the cabin porch while the Sisters inspected their rowers.
It was just turning dark when Sister Grace reappeared. The rowers had been bound again and told to sleep. Rad and Thorn followed the silent Matron.
They walked through pleasant, well-tended woodland, with various rustic cabins set along trails and backed by running streams. Altluna’s light filtered through the trees, dappling the pathway. Several larger structures appeared around a clearing ahead of them on the trail. They were led toward one structure boasting a deep porch with several stories rising above it, disappearing into and among the tall trees. The pillars of the porch were artfully carved tree trunk. Vines and flowers grew among their intertwined branches.
It took Thorn and Rad a long moment to realize those sculpted tree trunks were part of living trees, still bearing leaves even as they bore the structure which, they realized, was more treehouse than it first appeared. They entered and found themselves led to steep stairs which they climbed, reaching a series of plank and rope bridges which let them farther up into the trees. It was quiet except for the rustling of the leaves in the nighttime breeze.
The Matron motioned them out onto a platform where there were cushions arranged around a brazier, a kettle heating over it.
“Please sit. The Elders will be here shortly.”
The companions did as bid: sat and waited.
Three Elders arrived, their green robes flowing. Their guests stood. Surprisingly supple elderly women, the three settled onto available cushions. One spoke,
“Thorn, we are so pleased that you and your companions are visiting us. I hope you feel as comfortable as did your mother when she was a student here, as I was, oh, too many decades ago!”
“Yes Sister, she’s told us stories of those days. There was some excitement. Her Talent was more toward weather control than healing techniques.”
“She asked for a Trimantic Reading from the Seeress. There were many portents. The Threes were clear; your mother’s time in the Valley was ending. The reading was, as I still recall, without indeterminacies:
The Fifth Primary Term: Power Path: TODT ZARATADOD
The Third Term: ZARATAD (Pathway) Positive
The Subsequent Term: LAD (Start) Positive
The Clarifying Term: ZaL (Life)
“The Seeress saw that her future was with your father, not in the Valley. She read the results to be children of special Talents; the father’s genetic line had latent Talent that enhanced their maternal Talent. Thus, had she remained in the Valley, the Battles at the Gates and Tower might have been lost, with unforeseeable consequences. You see young Thorn decisions made decades before reverberate in ways we cannot expect. But life goes on and I hear that you are an Uncle double over. Tell me about your nephews as we share the ritual of Tea.”
Another of the Matrons added,
“Delightfully, the ritual of a formal Tea Party and the sharing of it, is a cross-cultural tradition on Alterra, inherited from our Terran ancestors.”
Rad jokingly added,
“Yes, wasn’t there a famous literary Tea Party, involving a Mad Hatter and some others...”
The Matrons laughed,
“Your squire, Sir Knight, is cheeky! I am sure we were referring to staid and formal Teas, such as the honored Tea Ceremony of the Japanese, or the British ritual of High Tea that is still conducted in a few places back on Old Earth.”
The third Matron winked,
“Oh yes, very staid, very culturally reaffirming. We do, however, have some of that lovely plum wine from the southern islands...”
Now it was the boys turn to laugh. And so it went, back and forth for some time, with tea and cakes and brandy.
The talk eventually got around to the ‘examination’ which had been conducted earlier in the day, when several Sisters brought food to their cabin and then, using hand-held bio-sign readers of various sorts, recorded data from all the rowers and the two companions.
The third Sister related,
“Our Sisters examination showed that you are all in exceptional health, even for this world with its unique capacities that enhance longevity. Our Dragon Friends seemed to have thoroughly ‘cleared’ your systems leaving you, shall we say, uncontaminated. Your genetic capacities, including any Talents will express themselves most powerfully.”
Then the conversation drifted elsewhere, as more plum wine was served.
It was quite late when the party broke up and one of the Matrons said, off-highhandedly,
“ZUR NeZDeR, I nearly forgot, your brothers-in-law will be here early tomorrow. They are taking their sky cycles up the Great River overnight to meet you. We will fly you and your rowers there first thing tomorrow; well, first thing after breakfast. You can’t go off without a nice cup o’ tea and filled crumpets...”
Thorn and Rad made their way back to the cabin and quickly fell fast asleep.
[15] Journey Continues on the Party Boat
It was just dawn when the cabin door burst open with Ice, Feo, O’dn and Will rushing in, shouting,
“Wake up! Time to row! Lots of miles to go!”
Thorn and Rad found themselves piled on by their friends who pulled the blanket off them, one declaring,
“Hey, ya still have your jocks on... thought we’d catch ya ‘in flagrante delicto’!”
While the two were pulled apart and tickled Feo noted,
“An’ you have the rowers all neatly lined-up under a tarp. Nothin’ gross there either...”
After some general wrestling around Feo produced a basket filled with warm rolls stuffed with eggs, cheese and vat-grown bacon, enough for all, including a half roll for each rower.
“The Sisters told us there will be hot tea ‘n’ cakes on their flying saucer...”
“That’s very civilized of them.”
After eating they pulled on their clothes (each was wearing his ‘summer uniform’ – Thorn in the gray boots, shorts and tee-shirt of a Tower Knight; Rad in the same, but the brown of the Keepers.
A flying disc was waiting by the cabin. As soon as they had the rowers back into the cargo hold and the companions’ sky cycles stowed as well, the ship took off and sped them back down the Valley River to where their Dragon Boat awaited.
A few minutes later the boat was back into the water, the rowers at their benches, with several rowers doubled-up on mid-ship oars so the companions could man the rear oars by the steering board.
After a half hour of rushing downriver, at the combined speed of the current and the rowers, they entered the Great River, noting that the confluence was rougher than before, due to the previous day’s storm.
But then the River calmed as they headed east, downriver toward Numarket City and the Crystal Tower.
“We should be back by the City in three days; at the Tower that evening. We’ll camp along the shore twice...”
“Alright brothers, we get two camping parties! Hey ya rowers, just ‘cause this is now a party boat doesn’t mean ya gonna get any slack! Put ya backs into it!”
The weather was perfect; the rowing downstream was easy; the camp parties were legendary... even the rowers were allowed to join in the Knight Stomp, drinking, carousing, singing, and campfire leaping... other vigorous activities best left to the imagination... boys will be boys, no matter the planet of origin.
“What happens at the campsite stays at the campsite!”
On the third day they could see the glass and steel towers of the City on the horizon.
As they passed between City Island and the main part of the City, heading under the One Bridge, Thorn ordered the rowers,
“Double time manimals! Show the folks on the bridge how Dragon Boat rowers do it!”
Some of the folk on the bridge waved and shortly they were beyond the City and entering the large basin that formed the mouth of the Great River, with the Crystal Tower at the end by the Conjoining Sea.
As they approached the Tower Dock from where they had departed weeks before, Thorn shouted
“The Water Rider returns!”
Dozens of Knights, Cadets and Keepers were there, led by the Mage. They gave three loud cheers as the boat docked. As the companions climbed onto the dock to the usual fist-bumping and hugs Rad stayed back, ordering the rowers to line-up. He made sure their mouth guards were in place, and ran a chain through their legs, attached to their belts, pulling them together and up onto the dock. Thorn nodded to him,
“They’ve got food for us all at KAZaZYaB; bring the manimals; we can take ‘em back to their prison later. Looks like it’s time for another party!”
The ‘Tea Chamber’ was filled with well-wishers as well as plentiful food and drink. The Mage led a series of toasts to Thorn, Rad, and even the rowers.
Soon all were guzzling and laughing and then some of the Knights began a boisterous Knight Stomp, pulling rowers and Keepers into the dance. It may be best to allow the gentle reader’s imagination a moment of distraction as young men will always do what they do when alcohol, cannabis, loud music and dancing combine.
The Mage and Thorn were able to step outside the chamber to hear each other.
They chatted for a while about the pilgrimage and about their interactions with the Dragons. The Mage questioned him closely on the findings of the Sisters from the Valley of the Healers. He wanted to know what happened. He was frankly concerned with what Talents might be triggered among their rowers.
Thorn steered the conversation back to the core of his experience at the Dragon Hold, saying to the Mage:
“Were you also initiated at the Dragon Mountain?”
Mage to Thorn:
“What do you feel?”
“Mage, you didn’t experience what I did. Was I the first to visit the Dragon Hold? That’s what I felt. They built it for us and they want all the Knights, you too, to learn... They think it’s time to build an even closer bond between humans with Talent and their folk. But why take a hundred years to get to that stage?”
“Thorn, their sense of time is different from ours, and ours here on Alterra is not what it is among the other humans of the Diaspora. I think the Dragons were waiting until several generations had been born here before really opening themselves to us in their full potency. Defeating that ‘Something’ that sought to attack us through the weather convinced them that we would defend their world, our world...”
“That feels genuine too URZUR. They gave me a formula that I made into that haiku that I sent you. But there were more, more and deeper secrets.”
He leaned over and whispered to the Mage for long seconds. The Mage nodded several times. Then he paused,
“Much to consider... oh, almost forgot. Your sisters, and nephews, expect you all for dinner tomorrow after sundown.
Thorn smiled,
“Well, I’d better get back to my bros. No telling what mischief they’ll get into tonight... or tomorrow!”
Chapter Five: Party Routine
The next morning Rad disentangled himself and pulled his rowers from among the now sleeping partiers. The manimals did look a bit worse for the wear. He quickly had them all secured, wrists latched back, mouth guards in place, in the ‘tight gang formation’ that was used to move the prisoners from task to task.
As he was exiting the chamber the Mage was walking down the hall,
“Good Rad, I’ll help you get these critters back to work. I suspect your companions and the other party-goers are not likely to be up and at it for some time today, but that’s no excuse for our manimals. They need to be worked every day. Since they’ve been travelling, I suppose we ought to inspect ‘em and clean ‘em up. Let me help you.”
“DYUT ZUR, the Dragons told Thorn that you should ‘inspect’ the rowers; they said they ‘corrected’ them, whatever that means!”
The Commander shrugged his shoulders,
“It means they’re experimenting... I’ve discussed this with the Sisters. I want you to keep an eye on these ten manimals. We need to be careful with this situation. I want you to report to me regularly...”
They jogged with the manimals back to the prison compound, located by the innermost farm fields.
[1] Routine is Good
There was a prepping facility in the prison compound which had been designed for efficient clean-up and grooming. The prisoners were used to the process and, though roughly treated, probably appreciated the attention.
The ‘First Stage’ was a tiled gang shower just big enough for the ten manimals that made up a single work gang. In addition to some shower heads and hoses there was a long poll let down from the ceiling by pulleys. The prisoners were bound by the wrists to the poll, arms apart, and told to hold on. It was hoisted up so that they were hanging off the floor, toes just not touching the tiles.
Rad stripped and turned on the shower heads for a minute while the Mage sat on a bench, observing. The water was preset to just warm. After the prisoners were thoroughly soaked he turned the shower off and took up a hose which he used between their gluts.
“Well ZUR, they’re wet.”
“Good; let me help. We’ve got buckets, soap and brushes, so let’s scrub ‘em right, from heads to toes. But first, looks like they’ve stretched a bit and some of ‘ir toes are on the floor. Haul ‘em up some more. Stretching is good for ‘em.”
After a few minutes of scrubbing Rad remarked,
“Yes Mage. Looks like they’re cleaner than they’ve been in a while! Please step aside and I’ll hose ‘em off.”
“Sure, but use cold water this time. You and Thorn were probably treating ‘em too good. Let’s start to recondition them. A harsh but complete inspection should get ‘em in the right state of mind, as properly mind-controlled Workbros.”
“DYUP ZUR. But it’s been years since the Invasion. Shouldn’t we let up on ‘em a bit?”
“Rad, I know you have a good heart and you’ve overseen Workbros long enough to appreciate how well they respond to all the hard work we demand of ‘em. But it would not be a kindness to ‘em for ‘em to believe ‘ay’ll get any slack from us. ‘Ay’re carefully mind-controlled to focus on the immediate task at hand. I doubt they even know how much time they’ve served, unless they were able to keep track of the number of Victory Day Celebrations where we’ve exhibited them. Strict discipline and hard work is just what they need to serve our needs.”
Rad began to hose the soap off the manimals while the Mage continued.
“When they’ve finished a special job, like rowing, we need to make sure they are reconditioned to regular manimal routine. Routine is good for them. At the same time, though, let’s keep their rowing skills at a high level too. I am putting you in charge of this gang; I want you to work ‘em hard, but make sure ‘ay practice rowing nearly every day. You can take Tower guests for boat rides, and sometimes I’ll want to be rowed to the City. Let’s keep their rowing stamina up.”
He chuckled,
“Also thinking of having a few racing chariots built; we could have manimal chariot races to entertain the folk during the annual homecoming camp-out party. We can have each senior Cadet train a prisoner to pull a chariot. I’m sure everyone would love the races! That way the Cadets will gain experience handling our prisoners.”
Rod shook his head,
“Are you sure ‘everyone’ will love the races; even the prisoners?”
“Especially the manimals! Those that are chosen to be trained by a Cadet will be presented as the best-of-the-best. Good bonding experience. The prisoners’ morale, and output, will benefit. I’m sure.”
After letting the manimals hang for a minute to drip off the poll was lowered and the manimals were secured as usual, wrists latched back, mouth guards in place. Then it was over to the ‘Second Stage’ which was an adjacent room with a platform at one end, a bench facing it. There were some floodlights directly over the platform.
The manimals were told to climb onto the platform for inspection, squatting, facing their inspectors.
“Rad, we want to do a thorough job, demonstrating complete control and dominance, while making sure the manimal is in good shape. We start with ‘em squatting since that’s a good submissive position. Follow what I do. Notice that I grab and smack as I’m handling.”
“First pull it over onto its back, grasping the ankles, inspect the feet. They should be callused and tough. Look for any sores, especially between toes. Remove any gravel stuck there. We want strong and healthy feet.”
“Second, spread those legs and inspect the anus. Push in two fingers and spread. You want to look for any damage from rough use. There are drawers under the platform with some salve, bandages and the like. Salving the critter’s abused anus is good manimal management.”
“Third, check the testicles, groin and underarms for any inflamed lymph nodes. Massage the balls and penis. The manimal should erect. If not, there may be a problem. Remember, manimal mind-control is built on the Four Controls: feed, work, rest and orgasm. Control those four and the manimal can be fully mind-controlled.”
“Fourth, pull it back up into a squatting position. Inspect its mouth by opening -- get your fingers into it. Have the manimal suck any butthole debris from your fingers. If so, take gloves off before checking the ears, nose and eyes.”
“Good. Let’s finish up and then let’s do some ‘D ‘n’ I’ – Discipline and Instruction – to reinforce their training. I find ‘D ‘n’ I’ relaxing, though I doubt the manimals do!”
“Get two of the discipline belts hanging on the wall and I’ll get ‘em into position. OK you grunts, on ya butts, feet out, line ‘em up. I want to see ya soles nicely lined and ready. Support each other. Get ready to hurt.”
Then to Rad,
“Proper ‘D ‘n’ I’ has three parts. One, Initial Abuse. Two, Instructions, which are usually built on trigger terms. Three, Concluding Abuse and, if warranted, the, uh, usual reward.”
While talking to Rad the Mage proceeded to smack the belt across the soles of the manimals’ feet.
“Take it grunts! Support each other. Bit down on ya mouth guards! Good grunts!”
He paused,
“Back on ya knees! Quick!”
They scrambled onto their knees while the Mage whacked out, this way or that...
“Rad, hop onto the platform behind ‘em, with the second belt. Crack their butts while I instruct.”
“Listen to the sound of my voice... counting down from three to one... three... two... one. You too are one minded. Breathe deeply and attend...”
He signaled Rad to stop while he repeated key trigger terms, over and over.
“Good grunts... breathing slow... now we anchor the lesson...”
As he spoke he belted each manimal across the chest, nodding to Rad to simultaneously crack their buttocks once more. Crack... Crack... Crack
“Work, obey, silence!”
“On your bellies. Eyes closed. Wait!”
To Rad, quietly,
“Let’s let ‘em rest a bit and then we’ll reward ‘em.”
Rad nodded,
“ZUR, it must be very intense being a manimal war criminal. Made to invade another world and now sentenced to life at hard labor. I know their labor is helpful and keeps the Tower in good order. They look healthy enough, though. I feel conflicted about the whole ‘justice’ thing...”
The Mage thought a moment,
“I understand Rad. Every society needs a way to deal with delinquents; almost always young males without close family or community bonds. You know, in addition to our POWs we have nearly as many Workbros from other sources. Well, two sources actually.”
“First, there are volunteer Workbros who want to be part of the Orders of the Tower and are willing to submit to manimal status for a period of service. Second there are some real delinquents who have gotten into enough trouble that they are likely to be exiled off-world. I give them the choice of ‘volunteering’ as permanent Workbros. They are among our hardest working manimals.”
“And then there are our POWs. All are subjected to the same routine, the same mind-control and the same discipline. Well, we only display prisoners at the victory celebration... I don’t find any inconsistency with their status and the NAP, which I know is on your mind...”
Rad nodded and shrugged his shoulders,
“Mage, I notice, in addition to the mind-control trigger words, you’ve been using special pronouns when talking about the Workbros. What’s that about?”
“Good observation lad. I’m developing some pronoun choices when referencing the manimals in English. I’m trying to mimic some of the use of pronouns in PSAKaDAS, and further develop PSADNAK – short talk – to use with ‘em.”
The pronouns in the sacred language are:
i = that, it, he, she iD = they (that)
E = this, it, he, she, the ED = they, the (pl.) (this)
I --ID = you (formal) U --UD = you/it impersonal O> --O>D = you (fam),
a> = 1st person; I, me, self a>D = 1st person pl.; we, us
“For English I’d like to see the choice of manimal pronouns follow this pattern:
it (instead of ‘he’ or ‘him’)
ya, yar (you sing., pl.)
‘ir (their), ‘em (them)
‘ay {they), ‘ay’re (they’re).”
“We also need to consider how to say ‘yes/maybe/no’ since we understand, as few humans of the Great Diaspora do, that logic is three-valued, not just ‘yes/no’ two-valued, but ‘yes/maybe/no’ or, in the sacred language, ‘YUP/NY<>/NUP’ and to manimals and to other members of the Orders / KaDYUP (True Yes) or, more familiarly, DYUT etc.”
“I’m not going to ask you Rad, if you want us to reward the manimals, since I know you’ll say ‘DYUT.’ And this time I agree with you. After abuse and instruction and further abuse we anchor the lesson with an intense bonding experience. That’s also good manimal management.”
“OK Workbros, wake up!”
He reached out with the belt cracking across any available butt, emphasizing his orders.
“Squat. Rad, take those mouth guards out. Good. Now, reward pile. Do it! Ya know the routine: every mouth engaged. Fifteen minutes ‘Bro Time’ and it’s back to work!”
They watched a vigorous display of male bonding, ordering a ‘switch’ a couple of times. Twenty minutes later Rad was hustling the Workbros over to one of the fields to help pick string beans, but first, the Mage instructed,
“Rad, we still need to do a formal debriefing. Getting drunk and carousing doesn’t get it done. I know you have dinner tonight at Thorn’s family farm, so we’ll do the debriefing tomorrow. Please have these critters back here an hour after sundown, cleaned up. I’m inviting you and the companions to be here, in the manimal inspection room. If everyone takes the debriefing seriously, maybe we’ll have another party after.”
Rad chuckled,
“We’ve been doing a lot of that ‘partying’ lately... but I’ll have the rowers here and tell the others.”
[2] Party Like a Manimal
The next evening, after Rad got the manimals out of the field and hosed-off he brought them to the inspection room and got them on their bellies on the platform with a curt,
“Bellies on board; eyes shut.”
Since they were already bound and had their mouth guards in place they were properly secured Workbros. Besides manimals could sleep anywhere they were allowed, so they quickly were asleep.
That’s when he noticed the baskets in the corner of the room. Looked like beer, mead, bread, cheese. The last necessary party ingredients were his companions and the Mage.
The Knights and his fellow KAs arrived in high spirits, cut short when he told them the food was for later, if the Mage decided they had taken the ‘debriefing’ seriously, so,
“Let’s chill-out Brothers. Our Commander will probably think it cute if he finds us all asleep on the platform with the rowers...”
“He’s more likely to pretend to think we’re all manimals and you might not want to follow where that leads... you know how he loves to mess with our heads.”
“Yeah, heads ‘n’ more...”
There was some ribald laughter and jostling but shortly the companions got comfortable and were soon dozing among the manimals.
The Mage, upon arriving, did think it endearing, seeing some of his favorite Knights and Keepers sleeping amongst a bunch of bound prisoners. He thought,
“Well, well. Never surprises how soldiers, prisoners, working men, can catch a bit of rest no matter where. It’s cute, but that’s not going to get a complete debriefing. It’s wake up time. And since my boys put themselves among the prisoners, they can’t complain when they get the same treatment.”
He grabbed the belt again and started walloping left and right, as far as he could reach. The manimals were mostly at the front of the platform and their bare butts were easy targets, while the young Alterrans were toward the back and clothed. Nonetheless the Mage, while appearing to be lashing out randomly, was catching as many eLATLeS PYODROTLOD (free boy) as prisoner targets.
“Up and at it! Boys, sit cross-legged on the edge; manimals, kneel behind. I’ve already spent time with Thorn and know what he experienced. This meeting is to learn what the rest of you saw and heard, on the trip and when you were camping at the Dragon Hold.”
Rad and the rowers were questioned closely, with Rad explaining what he witnessed and the POWs grunting ‘yups ‘n’ nups’ through their mouth guards to the Mage’s pointed questions. The Mage nodded gravely, speaking notes into a recorder as he interrogated them all. He was especially interested in what happened at the dragon party and at the meeting with the Elder Sisters in the Valley. Then he spoke to them all,
“The new replaces the old; we preserve what we can. We are entering into a closer relationship with the other intelligent consciousness on this world, our Dragon friends. That is good, and the initiations referenced in the Book of the Crystal Tower will so reflect.”
“Now tell me what happened at dinner last night; how are Ice and Fee’s ‘Juniors’ doing? And yes, it’s time to party.”
Food and drink were passed around. The prisoners were unbound and ‘rank was forgotten’ for a while at least.
[3] Manimals on Display
Later the Mage found himself meditating on the State of the Worlds...
That’s not to say that the Workbros are excluded from the social life of the Crystal Tower. Far from it; they are always working in the fields or gardens, or helping the Keepers in and about the Tower and outbuildings. Need to make sure they’re very busy! It’s their labor that makes it possible for the Knights and Cadets to train and to represent the Tower to the various widely spread peoples inhabiting Alterra.
Like many of the worlds of the Great Diaspora Alterra is sparsely populated. True there are several worlds that have populations to rival the old home world. That was made somewhat easier as Terra’s populace is a third of its peak, back in the beginning of their 21st Century. What’s the total population of “The Hundred Worlds” (the common term for the ‘at least’ that number of inhabited worlds reachable through the WhenWhere Gateways)? Hard to tell, but surely exceeding a hundred billion, and if the number of worlds being reached continues to grow as in the past century that number could rapidly approach a thousand and the number of humans could exceed a trillion.
Alterra continues to have a ‘frontier’ feel to it. The farm folk south of the Tower’s domain are ‘salt of the earth’ types, descended from old ‘Merican Stock. The urbanites of NuMarket City are mostly of mixed European/Mediterranean genetics. The folk of the north are Nordics.
Those of the south are a mixed folk of Old Earth’s southern continents. To the east, beyond the Conjoining Sea, are found nomadic folk, mostly from the ancient Aryan peoples of the steppes of Asia and North America (in that case I used the time-bridge capacity of the WhenWhere Gate to delve into Terra’s past). To the west, along the Great River are farming communities of mixed refugees from Terra.
Some of the other worlds, however, are far more homogeneous. Once the Gate technology was released as ‘Open Source’ many Terran nations and quite a few international companies built their own gates and peopled those worlds. They soon found that the dimensional ‘space’ of planet Earth had been conditioned by the opening of the First Gate which went to Alterra. All future Gates on the home world were connected through the First Gate and the Circle of Gates in Old N’York. That restriction, though, barely slowed the spread. Humanity.
This species is spreading like a virus among all the human-compatible worlds of many ‘nearby’ timeline bifurcations.
Well, it’s nearly time for the annual reunion of Knights, Cadets, Keepers and their families. The seasons, and centuries come and go...
The Annual Reunion Camp-Out and Feast was a highlight of the Tower social season, as one of the Four Holidays [eYODLTaT KaROD].
Although Alterra’s seasons were far milder than Old Earth’s the seasonal celebrations were maintained with the solstices and equinoxes timing the Four Holidays:
Winter Solstice at the time of Yule-New Year – Feasting and Visiting
Spring Equinox at the time of the Annual Reunion – Exhibits and Games
Summer Solstice at the time of the Summer Fest – Contests and Watersports
Fall Equinox at the time of the Harvest Festival – Feasting and Exhibits
The great Victory Day Feast, celebrating the Alterran victory over the invaders from NoAm (The Battle of the Tower Shield Wall – See: Further Tales of the Tower) and the victory in the Battle of the Gates over the extradimensional Entity that tried to enter this reality from ‘beyond’ a few years later, was held during Reunion Week.
The POWs and other Workbros had specific roles during the Annual Reunion. There was always need for Workbro muscle to erect tents, carry chairs, tables, bring food out to the food tent; everything that was necessary. While on farming tasks the prisoners and the other Workbros were treated identically; when on Tower duty the prisoners are kept under very close control under the general rule that these ‘Penal Manimals’ (or ‘PMs’) must be assumed to be ready to revolt at any moment.
The PMs have a special role during the Victory Celebrations. The Cadets and prisoners put on a mock “Battle of the Tower Shield Wall” before the Victory Feast, out of doors. They work together to build colorful mock shields, symbolic of the actual psionic shields that Thorn and the other Senior Cadets used to hold off the attacking Terrans who had forced hundreds of temporary WhereWhen Gates from NoAm to the fields just south and west of the Tower. After the show the Cadets take ‘their prisoners’ and their shields into the feasting tent where the shields are hung from the tent poles while the prisoners are bound there, as a display of victory.
The Mage decided to maintain the ten prisoners who had been Thorn’s rowers as a separate team, after the pilgrimage to the Dragon Hold. They were trained to both row and act as manimal ponies pulling racing chariots. Other manimals were likewise trained as ponies.
Thereafter manimal racing became a well-loved feature of the annual celebration. Gambling was encouraged, with half the winnings going to charity.
The Feast went on for hours, until nearly all the substantial pile of food was gone and all the drink was fully imbibed. The guests wandered off to the fire pits near their tents while a ragtag group of Keepers, Knights, Cadets and Workbros were left to clean-up. Rad and Thorn took charge of the bound POWs and got them back to the Workbro compound to latch them down for the night.
The two walked back toward the campgrounds together.
“I saw your nephews earlier this evening. They were running around wearing toddler-sized Gis, harassing any nearby adults. How do two year olds do that?”
“I know... they’re maturing fast! Saw some of the Cadets were putting on a martial arts exhibit and those two insisted on ‘rolling’ with the younger Cadets. Their dads and I cheered them on, but then, during an open melee, they challenged one of the seniors, coming at him directly. He smacked ‘em around a bit. We cheered that too... a couple bruises might teach ‘em some respect...”
They both laughed, Thorn continuing,
“My sisters were talking to the Mage about admitting the boys to the Academy early. I suspect the Twins may have met their match in those boys. Mage said something about weekly martial arts training at the Tower for them, with sleep-overs starting in a few months as they get more training days per week. Then in a year or so, they’ll become the youngest full time Cadets ever.”
“Right Thorn.”
Just then the ‘Juniors’ came scurrying over, barefoot, just wearing their Gi white pants, showing some grime. They were whooping and grinning as they dove onto Thorn, shouting,
“Uncle Thorn, did you see us fighting those big boys?”
One of the wiry little boys had a nicely developing black eye and the other had a couple of bruises on his chest and shoulders.
“I sure did. You two were very brave! What happened to your Gi tops?”
“They went poof!”
“You ‘poofed’ them away?”
Thorn grabbed the two and hauled them up. One scampered onto his shoulders while the other leaned over and grasped onto Rad, climbing onto his shoulders.
“Want horsey rides. Giddyap ya horsies!”
The two men started jogging toward the folks gathered around the martial arts exhibit; the boys laughing and shouting on their shoulders.
“Gonna fight some more! Yeah Uncle Thorn!”
“Maybe we should find your Grandma; she can take care of your bruises...”
“No, no Uncle Thorn! All big boys have bruises too.”
Later, when they caught up with Thorn’s sisters the mothers did not look at all pleased.
“Mama, mama we party with big boys!’
[4] Parade and Mess
Every morning, a bit after dawn, all of the men inhabiting the Tower complex, without an excuse, were expected to attend Morning Parade [DaBCAPRD COLOD], which was held before first meal in the Tower mess hall on the Parade Ground [DaBCAPRDTAB].
Every MARCOL -- Tenth Day (Alterans use a ten day week – the TUZHaR) was an even more formal Parade, attended by the Mage. Parade followed a Regular Routine [DaT DOTOD] which encouraged efficient process since breakfast was after Parade; thus the Regular Routine of marching in; the Four Corps taking their proper positions; warm-up exercises, ritual replies shouted to ritual questions; exhortations and announcements...
All of the members of the Four Orders [eKUP KAROD] had roles to play: the Corp of Knights, the Corp of Cadets, the Keeper Corp and the Workbro Corp.
The Workbros took up their positions, after having been fed at the prison complex, awaiting the other Corps. The Keepers came onto the Parade Ground first, then the Cadets, lastly, the Knights.
Thorn felt proud when he saw his nephews standing at brace with the other cadets, noticeable by their diminutive height, but looking just as fit as the rest.
One of the Knights who manifest the Six Protectors [eCABDABeR HaROD] is the Commander of the Day [DYaMeS COLOD] and leads the ‘Good Order of the Day’ [YOD-DaT COLOD]. He calls upon a Third Degree Knight to first lead calisthenics and follows that with the Questions to the Good Order [ePOB YE<N< YOD-DaT];
The Good Order of the Order of the Tower
The First Weekly Parade after the annual reunion, however, was an extra special affair, marking the beginning of the annual cycle of the Tower.
For the annual First Parade extra time is taken and the breakfast meal is the most elaborate served. To accommodate all of the Keepers, including those assigned to overseeing WorkBros, the Corp Four manimals are left standing at brace at the Parade Ground until breakfast is completed, usually about an hour. Their implant broadcast counts them down into a trance state where they receive hypnotic conditioning. The manimals are subjected to continual mind-control patter so they have no ‘self talk’ that is not programmed.
Formal Mess always includes a greater variety of food as well as music and an exhortation from the Mage who concludes with the injunction, “YOBZaTLABYO>D” [“Permitted to eat (you pl. fam. must)”]
The two small ‘Juniors’ were right there with the other Cadets, pushing in line to get their breakfast bowls, squeezing onto the benches with the others, gobbling fast in hope of seconds. The rest of the Cadets treated them like mascots and they were happy to be with the ‘big boys...’
[5] What About Freedom?
Some days later, after the prisoners had been confined for the night, as Thorn and Rad walked back to the Crystal Tower, they met up with the Mage who asked for a report on the Twins and how their boys were doing. Thorn spoke,
“Those boys are growing fast! Gone a few weeks and it’s like they’ve just sprouted; language skills even better; coordination advanced. You saw at the last reunion they’ve started martial arts training... I am proud of my nephews! They seem to be getting along very well with the Cadets when they have sleep-overs. They keep up with boys twice their size.”
“I saw the boys sparing with Cadets ten years older... impressive. It’s just about time that they were full-time Cadets. But that means we have to treat them just like any other Academy student. We all, fathers and uncle too, have to be strict with ‘em, no matter how cute they are. They are poly-Talented and must be carefully trained.
“Humans are maturing faster here than we did on Old Earth; expressing increasingly powerful psychic Talents, and apparently living agelessly. We are becoming a new species or at least an advanced one... In its own way that is likely happening throughout the ‘Hundred Worlds’.”
The conversation turned to their rowers with the Mage opining,
“I do have appreciation for the rowers. On Thorn and Rad’s pilgrimage ‘ay gave their all and then some, proving that enough muscle and mind-controlled focus can do whatever machines can do. Maybe the Dragons had Thorn make the trip ‘without human devices’ as they said, to remind us of that.”
He paused.
“Especially here on Alterra it is possible to interact with our environment directly, not constantly mediated by mechanical and electrical devices. When a wizard with Talent coaxes, say, precious metals from deep underground, he or she is in a direct, meditative, non-mediated relationship with the psi forces of the planet. That’s what they want us to comprehend, so we become truly ‘native’ to this world. Then we will do amazing things...”
He paused again,
“But I am concerned over what the Dragons may have done to Thorn, Rad and our rowers. You are all a part of an experiment – we all are – I suspect. It is in the nature of our Dragon friends to study and test, and they are fascinated by our ability to manipulate physical reality.”
“Rad, as I’ve told you, the rowers are to continue to train on the Dragon Boat. I’ll also have an oared skiff built for shorter distances, such as from the Tower to the City. It is my decision to continue to keep the rowers isolated from the other manimals, as a separate team. You can move ‘em to the boat house by the Tower Dock once it is made secure. You can treat ‘em as humanely as you’d like, so long as ‘ay work as hard as any other Workbro. Make it so.”
They continued in silence as they entered into the Tower through the Great Double Door. In the crystal pillar that stood between the doors resided the ancient double-terminated crystal from Old Earth that was the pattern for the Great Crystal Tower, which had once belonged to a shaman long ago, and which had rested in pre-historic Atlantis until just before its dowfall. The Mage touched it as he entered. Standing in the high-ceiling entrance hall Rad asked, as the Mage turned to leave,
“Commander, how are we to maintain our commitment to the NAP and not, eventually, free your prisoners? It’s not just about the rowers. Do you think the Dragons will want to work their magic (whatever may be its intent) with the rest of the manimals? With all the members of the Orders? We need your guidance.”
“Important questions Rad. I think living on Alterra, and even more so, being born here, changes our species in ways we really don’t yet understand; if we ever will. That same thought must apply to all the ‘Hundred Worlds’ – the Diaspora will eventually create subspecies with differing capacities. The Diaspora saved humanity, but will eventually cause humanity to dissolve into hundreds of new coagulations... solve et coagula...”
He paused,
“But for now, let’s leave things as they are. I know you young men are anxious to see what happens next. Extreme longevity has taught us Original Settlors extreme patience.”
He nodded slowly,
“Over the next years we’ll see what the Dragons will do, and how we’ll respond.”
“If I could be sure the prisoners were becoming Alterrans... time will tell... In the meantime, no distinction among our POWs, other manimal prisoners and the volunteer Workbros.”
He paused.
“Let’s keep a close eye on your nephews and all the children of Alterra!”
The Mage looked forward to peace and harmony. And there certainly were periods that could be so described. But then there were other times... especially involving ‘the Juniors’... as the stories of the Crystal Tower continue...
After Victory It’s Party Time
Chapter One: Birthday Party.
[1] Party Tree.
[2] Party Time.
[3] Fairy Lights.
[4] Thorn’s Mission.
Chapter Two: Party at the Tower.
[1] Prepping for the Party.
[2] Party Starts.
[3] The Knights’ Stomp
[4] Private Time.
Chapters Three: Camping Party.
[1] On the Beach.
[2] Brotherhood.
Chapter Four: Pilgrimage Dragon Party.
[1] Planning the Journey.
[2] Journey to the Green Crystal Temple.
[3] At the Temple.
[4] Tea Party with the Abbot
[5] Faring Forth: Remote Viewing the Dragon Hold.
[6] Journey to the Dragon Hold.
[7] Camping Before the Dragon Hold.
[8] The Towers of the Dragon Hold.
[9] Chamber of Initiation.
[10] Thorn’s Poem..
[11] Secret Teachings.
[12] Dragon Party.
[13] Journey Toward Home.
[14] Tea Party at the Valley of the Healers.
[15] Journey Continues on the Party Boat
Chapter Five: Party Routine.
[1] Routine is Good.
[2] Party Like a Manimal
[3] Manimals on Display.
[4] Parade and Mess.
[5] What About Freedom?.
Time seemed to pass slowly for Thorn and his buddies after the exciting days of the Battle at the Gates where they thwarted an extra-dimensional invasion; getting back into routine after their adventures ‘Walking the Gateways’ proved challenging.
As the Mage reminded them, “A wise Terran once said, ‘Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water; after enlightenment, carry water, chop wood.’ – the gardens need weeding.”
About nine months later Thorn’s Weather Witch twin sisters each gave birth, on the same day, to a boy child, fathered by his friends Ice and Feo. The boys were expected to have even greater Talents than their parents and were to be supported as “Sons of the Tower”. They could expect to be accepted as Cadets in their turn, just like their fathers and uncle.
The infant boys, with identical twin mothers, and maybe a little magic, looked like twins: “Same X; different Y’s.” Even their mothers had a hard time distinguishing which was which. They named them after their fathers, Isa and Feo, in the old languages, or ‘Ice Jr.’ and ‘Fee Jr.’ in the colloquial, later just Jr.1 (2 minutes older) and Jr.2, the younger ‘twin’ – but only the boys really knew which was which, until their hair grew in and everyone could see that Ice’s son was golden blond while Feo’s was a burnished redhead.
Another year passed and it was time for the boys’ First Birthday Party.
Chapter One: Birthday Party
Thorn and his friends were back at his family’s farm, for another party at the big Party Tree. They were wearing their formal uniforms, light gray boots, caps, pants and long-sleeved tunic with the Silver Circle of the Gray Knights as their belt buckles; another, smaller Silver Circle on their caps. Walking over to the tree, carrying his squirming son who wanted to get down and move on his own, Ice remarked,
“This tree is getting a reputation back at the Tower as the place for family-friendly parties. Understand our KAs helped our ladies set-up... Junior, stop that!”
“Da-da, go run wit’ Feo, now!”
As he scampered off to find his cousin, a proudly grinning Thorn added,
“Those boys are amazing. Just a year and they’re nearly always climbing, running... making mischief...”
Ice replied,
“Right... it’s just possible that our ladies, and their mother, have been speeding up the boys’ development a bit... by the time they’re six they’ll probably be applying for admission to the Academy!”
“Do you think they’d tell us if they were, uh, encouraging rapid maturation?”
Ice snorted; Fee laughed.
[1] Party Tree
The Knights strode over to the Party Tree, Thorn thinking,
“Knights always stride. People need to know we’re here with purpose...”
Dozens of guests were waiting. Many stood and applauded as they arrived. Thorn could see GGPaPa and the Mage standing with the others, grinning proudly.
Hugs and greetings all around. Thorn hugged everyone back, hanging onto Rad as the last,
“I see you KAs helped my mom and sisters with the set-up, thank you.”
Smiling back, with mock seriousness, he replied,
“Our mission is to serve, Sir Knight... any way we can...”
That led Thorn to grab the younger man about the torso, and play wrestle him toward the ground, amid the piles of leaves near the giant tree trunk. They ended up with Rad standing against the tree, Thorn, who was a foot taller and far more massive, pinning him there, leering.
“Enough Thorn; you’re going to scandalize the guests...”
Thorn, pressing his advantage, pushed closer against Rad, whispering,
“I don’t care about what folks say, besides, everyone knows that Knights and KAs work very closely together...”
He pressed against his friend for a moment, and then pulled back, turning to head back to where the guests were gathering, by tables heaped with food, keeping an arm around Rad’s shoulders as they walked.
[2] Party Time
The party was in full swing, with drinks, music (from a real “Earther” sound system) dancing and laughing. The Twins’ sons were being passed around as everyone wanted to see these precocious birthday boys. Uncle Thorn was kept busy ushering them from one multi-generational set of relations to another while his fellow Knights attended upon their ladies.
Then it was time for the master piece of the night: the birthday cake, several days in the birthing, with various aunts and other relations all contributing to the confusion...
It was rolled out on a serving cart, four layers of alternating chocolate and vanilla cakes, swathed in layers of colored creams with garlands of gilded sugar bunting, topped with a large numeral “1” candle -- quite an extravaganza.
Well, boys will be boys and shortly after an off-key rendition of the old Terran Birthday Song, the three Knights and their three Keeper friends, and the two birthday boys, had cake cream all over their faces, and certain of them may have even surreptitiously tossed a bit at each other... not quite a food fight, but enough to leave everyone laughing.
That’s when ‘the Juniors’ surprised their families and guests. The frosting on their faces seemed to gather together and then just popped away, while those with Talents distinctly heard a very young voice, in their minds, saying,
“Daddies bad. Cream all gone!”
Astonished glances were exchanged, with GGPaPa adding in,
“Our boys are amazing; a year old and both exhibiting psychokinesis ‘n’ telepathy!”
[3] Fairy Lights
As he spoke the fairy lights hovering in the long sweeping branches of the giant weeping willow began to descend. This was a sight familiar to a few of the humans there. The family and guests grew quiet and quite amazed, as the fairies, miniature Dragons actually, gathered around the boys, to their delight, twinkling.
The boys waved their arms, gathering the fairies to themselves.
Shortly all the humans, even those without Talent could see the Energy gathered around the boys as several Dragons join the fairies, in blessing and appreciation. The Mage addressed them,
“Greetings, Dragon Friends. Y<>Z, eMACRODOT KaZOD. Thank you for attending.”
The Dragons coalesced around the Mage, wrapping him in shimmering light. All hushed as they watched the swirling Energies. The Dragons, and then the fairies, retreated up into the tree, where they continued to provide enchanting lighting, pulsing to the music. The Mage reemerged. He called over to Thorn to come to him. They spoke privately.
[4] Thorn’s Mission
“Thorn, I have a message from the Dragons for you. Your training in the Fifth Degree will continue in the New Year, apparently delayed a bit by the birth of your nephews. They are very interested in those boys, by the way. As to yourself, though, a great honor is offered you. You are to travel to the Dragons’ Stronghold, where the Mountains of Fire meet the Mountains of Ice – you’ll be on pilgrimage. When you leave I have the impression that you may be gone months.
“Oh, one more thing, think about the companion you will bring along. He can be anyone you choose. Meditate and ask your Dragon -- he will tell you more, but not for some months to come. That will be your Mission.”
“In the meantime, let’s enjoy the party, and the next season or two.”
Thorn had no need to meditate on the choice. A few minutes later he found Rad and told him about the pilgrimage.
“There is only one companion I must have on the journey: you. We will be guided by my Dragon, but I want you there too. We won’t set out for some time. Are you with me?”
Rad didn’t need to think either, he nodded yes at once.
“We’ll need to work closely day and night to get ready.”
“Does that mean we’ll be sharing a bunk in the Knight’s barracks?”
“Sure Rad, I’d like that; just like the old Templar's symbol: two warriors on one horse. Only we’ll be with a Dragon!”
Chapter Two: Party at the Tower
‘Members-only’ parties at the Great Crystal Tower were the stuff of infamous rumor and legend. They were, however, presented as gentile occasions. ‘ZaZ’ is the ‘PSAKaDAS’ (Tower Talk) term for ‘Tea’ and the Old Earth ‘Tea Ceremony’ was part of the home world’s culture that flourished on Alterra.
There were three ‘Tea Houses’ at the Tower. One, very much in the traditional bamboo style, was in the Garden by the Tower and was used by the Mage to meet ‘outside the Tower.’ The other two were in the Tower where they took up two full levels, URZaZYaB on the Fifth Level above and KORT KAZaZOD on the First Level below. These rooms were less like ‘Tea Houses’ and more like the traditional concept of a “Symposium” – a room in ancient Greek homes set aside for parties – that word meaning ‘to drink together.’
The first was used to entertain guests at the Tower, such as the various political leaders who attend the twice-yearly meetings of the Great Council. The second was used for parties to which only members of the four Orders of the Tower were invited: Knights (including retired Knights), Senior Cadets, Keepers (including senior KA’s) and Workbros.
[1] Prepping for the Party
KAZaZ had a reputation for drunk and risqué behavior. It was a justified reputation, and, considered by some to be a ‘bonding experience’among ‘eKUP’ – the ‘Degrees’ of the Order of the Tower. Such parties always featured lots of drinking vaping, loud conversation, and noisy ‘dancing’. As was said, the men at KAZaZ had ‘a stomping good time’ keeping time to martial music with their boots hitting the floor together, a custom called DAKDaMLAP TUKADOD (Boot Stomping).
Rad, O’dn and Will were tasked with getting a gang of Workbros ready for the party, as they would be attending as part of the entertainment. The three KAs asked one of the senior Keepers about their task.
“I take it this will be the first time you boys have been invited to participate in KAZaZ. You’ve been Keeper Assistants for just over a year, so being invited this soon is unusual, but given your connection to Sir Thorn and other Knights, the Mage may have bent the rules a bit. You’ve even traveled off-world with them, so I suppose you’ve been exposed to a bit of hard drinking and partying... ”
The Keeper thought he noticed some blushing on the KA’s tanned features.
“But on to the Workbros. As you know, we have a bunch a POWs left over from the Terran invasion a half decade ago. Since they are considered war criminals we get to use their labor at the Tower complex. They are part of the Working Brothers Corps [LABPAS]. There are a few dozen Alterrans who have also volunteered for the Workbros, men who have no psychic Talents, but who want to serve the Tower though not qualified for Keeper Assistant duties. They are mostly local toughs or thugs from the Interplanetary Zone who got caught doing something that would get them exiled, unless they, uh, ‘volunteer’ for the Corps.”
“So you’ll be riding herd on some ex-soldiers and some street toughs. That should be fun. I know you oversee Workbros regularly, so you know how to be strict with them. Just remember, they are doing what you tell them to do not because they want to, but because you give them no choice. Same applies to their presence at KAZaZ. You need to make sure they’re clean, groomed and controlled. You’ll be bringing a work gang to the Tower so make sure you give yourselves at least two hours to get them prepped. That means pulling them off field work, or runner duty, by mid-afternoon. They need at least an hour to practice The Stomp -- DAKDaMLAP TUKADOD, well in their case, DAKDaMLAP TUKALOD, ‘foot stomping’, not ‘boot stomping’.”
“It would be a good idea if you can have them at KAZaZ a couple of hours before the party so you can let them sleep until they are needed.”
“Getting some rest yourselves would not be a bad idea. The uniform of the day for you boys is your shorts and boots; yes, wear your jocks too.”
A couple of hours later the three young KAs had the ten Workbros from the Work Corp compound, a few hundred yards south of the Tower, groomed and jogging there and down to the KAZaZ chamber through one of the NullGrav Tubes.
The chamber was a 15 foot deep, 50 by 30 foot void in the Great Crystal. It was furnished for gatherings of Gray Knights and their guests, with rows of cushioned wood platforms along all four walls, between the entryways. A somewhat higher platform at one end was reserved for the Mage as Commander. The center of the chamber was empty except for two display platforms and a raised fire pit. The boys were directed to bring their Workbros to the far end platform. They were lined-up on their bellies and told to sleep.
[2] Party Starts
Another couple of hours later various Knights, Keepers and Cadets began to arrive and find places to sit, greeting each other and quietly talking. They ignored Rad, Will and O’dn, waiting with the Workbros, all sound asleep.
Sir Thorn and his companions arrived, in their shorts and boots, and walked over to the boys as relaxing music began. They could hear and feel the music which seemed to emanate from the crystal walls of the chamber. Thorn, smiling, spoke,
“Great to see that you successfully herded a bunch of now sleeping, but no doubt about to become enthusiastic, Workbros. Let’s leave them as they are until the party officially starts with the arrival of our Commander, URLARD. Until then, though, come join us for a drink. When the Mage arrives the music will pick-up and you’ll need to get the Workbros up. Hope you had them practice The Stomp since they’ll be expected to entertain while we all get drunk enough to join-in.”
Drinks were passed around; the fire was lit and maintained with copious amounts of hemp and incense, no doubt for the Dragons who flitted around the chamber. When Rad saw them he looked questioningly at Thorn,
“Dragons always come to KAZaZ. They revel in the aromatics... hemp, incense and testosterone...”
[3] The Knights’ Stomp
An hour or so later dozens of Knights, Keepers, Cadets and Workbros were drunk enough. Loud music, loud talking, and the rhythmic stomping of boots in time to said music, as several ‘chains’ of stompers danced around the chamber, had Rad flushed and grinning while he and Thorn tried to outdo each other with fancy footwork.
After the Mage retired from the chamber all restraint was forgotten. A bit later Ice and Feo disappeared,
“Probably snuck-off to fly to the farm and spend the rest of the night with your sisters... Left Will ‘n’ O’dn here... Let’s keep ‘em busy...”
Thorn, nodding, got the three boys into the “Standard Knight Stomp” – a bunch of Knights and Keepers in the tight line that snaked around the chamber, all their boots hitting the floor, more or less in time to typical martial beats.
As the drinking continued the precise stomping got a little ragged and the Workbros were pulled into the line, their tough bare feet stomping too. Rad, leaning back against Thorn so he could be heard over the music,
“Ya see, even the Workbros are gettin’ into it. Get ‘em a little drunk an’ treat ‘em like regular guys an’ they’re stomping with the rest o’ us... grinnin’ too...”
Thorn pulled Rad against him and kept on stomping.
“Right bro, that’s called ‘Tight Stompin’... ya know... only boys’ butts’ off limits...”
“Uh, I can see that. Are all Knights that big?”
Thorn grinned,
“Yeah, it’s a side effect of that Spell that makes us produce only sons...”
Rad took him seriously, gazing up at him, until he started guffawing.
[4] Private Time
Later Thorn and Rad took a break and leaned back on the cushions. He spoke into the KAs ear,
“You know where you’re sleeping tonight, right?”
“Uh... in the Knight’s barracks?”
“You got it Bro!”
“Yeah, but I’ve got my mates... can four fit on a bunk?”
“Don’t worry, there’s an empty bunk there for them. Not for you.”
“You’re not gonna take advantage of me being drunk, are ya?”
“You can bet on it...”
Chapters Three: Camping Party
A few months later, as the Pilgrimage date came closer, Ice and Feo surprised Thorn and Rad for the KA’s 18th Birthday.
“The four of us are bringing you two on a camping holiday, back to where you met, by the Conjoining Sea.”
Late in the afternoon the six companions met at the sky cycle base, high in the Great Tower. Backpacks bungeed to the null-grav cycles, the Knights, with one KA aboard each cycle, soared from the Tower and flew south along the Conjoining Sea to the beach where the Farm Town folk had their camping sites, right along the community board walk among the dunes, where Thorn, his father and brother, had built a tent platform.
[1] On the Beach
Their tent set up, the young men and now older boys dived into the surf, tossing discs flying back and forth, pushing against the waves. This time of year the flow of the Sea was from the hot south, so the water was comfortably warm. They played in the surf until it was just dark when they got their fire going to prepare dinner.
While they waited on blankets around the fire they reminisced as several bottles were passed around, prompting O’dn to comment,
“Alright! The party finally starts...”
Rad, leaning back against Thorn, watching the stars come out: “It doesn’t get better than this...”
Feo, “But will be even better when our boys are old enough to be here...”
Will guffawing: “Right, bare-assed on the sand.”
Thorn, snorting: “Not if my sisters stop to imagine what might go on at boys’ camp-outs! Come to think of it, they’re probably Remote Viewing us right now...”
That spurred some rearranging of the beach blankets around the fire pit with Rad remarking,
“Well they won’t mind a little snuggle time on a cool evening...”
[2] Brotherhood
Thorn pulled Rad closer, wrapping the blanket around them both; Feo replied,
“You and Thorn always seem to find time for cuddling. It’s all OK. Lots of Knights and KA’s form close bonds. We even have an Oath of Brotherhood [PSAKaDLABeR YE>N< KOSOD] for that. Are you two ready for it?”
The two looked at each other, Thorn expressing both of their thoughts.
“We’re ready. I’ve been ready since the day we met, and that was years ago... Rad and I agree that we’ll face the future together.”
To which Ice joked,
“Right brothers, happily we’re on an underpopulated, frontier world, where we value fecundity so you two can pair-bond as much as you want, so long as you also reproduce. Ya know, you could hire a birthing woman and one contribute an ‘X’ chromosome and the other the ‘Y’...”
To which Thorn replied,
“Sure, so long as it’s my ‘Y’!”
Which resulted in the two wrestling for dominance while kicking off their blanket. That’s when Ice, O’dn and Will jumped in and dragged the two apart, holding on to them. Feo took over the discussion,
“OK you two; you can decide who’s the top and who’s the bottom later. Repeat the Oath after me:
“I swear a forever
Oath of Brotherhood
With my Friend in the Order:
We are One together in Love and Brotherhood.”
The two became quiet and serious as they repeated the Oath in both languages. Their friends pushed them together into a group hug, with Ice explaining,
“On cold nights in the North we bundle together to keep warm. I’ve seen the two of you get all hot and bothered when wrestling or whatever, so don’t hold back. We’ll just get drunker watching...”
Thorn and Rad were determined not to put on a show for their friends so they rolled a blanket around themselves and pretended to sleep while the embers lulled their friends. After a decent interval they grabbed the blanket and snuck around a sand dune.
Chapter Four: Pilgrimage Dragon Party
As the Mage had explained to him at his nephews’ first birthday, to continue his Fifth Degree Training Thorn is to be sent on a pilgrimage a third of the way across the planet, to learn from the Dragons. He had chosen Rad to accompany him. Thorn’s Dragon-friend is to meet them along the way.
[1] Planning the Journey
The grueling Journey must be made without modern tech (a condition the Dragons imposed) and so they must travel the Great River [URRATAT] upstream, a gang of manimals at the oars (with Thorn and Rad rowing too). The plan is to stop at the Green Crystal Temple and then continue up the North Tributary into the Mountains of Fire and Ice, to the mysterious Stronghold of the Dragons, MACRODOTYaB.
Beforehand a squad of manimal Workbros were to be trained and geared as oarsmen, Rad explaining to Thorn,
“For the past month I’ve been working with Workbros Gang 7 (they were at the KAZaZ party a couple of months ago) to prepare ‘em for rower duty. Increased their feed and rest but otherwise kept them on the forced power runners, building their stamina. Those bros have put on some impressive muscle and I can keep ‘em at it 16 hours at a stretch. I’ve calculated the amount of feed we’ll need for a nearly 4,000 mile trip, mostly up the Great River. The boat’s going to start-off heavy, but the trip back downriver will be much easier!”
“Ya know Thorn, when you get to know a gang of the Workbros they’re not bad men. Yeah, I know they’re where they are for ‘crimes against the peace,’ but I can tell they’re getting to feel some pride in the task for which we’re training ‘em. I know you fought against ‘em, but we’re going to be in close quarters with ‘em, so please treat ‘em humanely.”
Thorn thought a bit and replied,
“I’ll give it a try Rad. But, don’t expect me to sit by the fire with ‘em singing camp songs. I’ll be the tough commander an’ you can be the nice guy, so long as we make progress every day pushing up river.”
That’s when Ice and Feo provided a river boat which looked suspiciously like an Old Terran longboat, complete with dragonhead and tail and twelve oars. No doubt made in the Northlands and sturdy enough for the rough northern sea, or the swift Great River.
Knights, Keepers, the Mage, even some Dragons, were present at their leave taking from the dock by the Tower. Thorn’s sisters, and their boys, were there as well. The boys were climbing all over the boat and tried to hide aboard as it was about to cast-off.
“Who has ‘the Juniors’?”
“Has anyone seen them?”
“Can’t you see them? They’re hiding right behind those barrels!”
“Boys, stop bending light. No invisibility!”
The Dragons thought the vessel was quite funny, as were the boys. The humans could see dragon energies swirling around, especially by Ice and Feo’s sons, who were playing in the energetic mist that those with Talents could see. The Dragons were also paying close attention to the naked rowers, each of whom had an ankle chain hooked to a bolt on the deck.
The Mage offered a formal blessing, pouring a bit of fine mead over the dragonhead,
“I name thee ‘Swift Water Rider’, calling forth protection and intent. Be swift, be protected!”
They pushed off from the Tower Dock and into the current.
Thorn was pleasantly surprised by how light and easily propelled the boat seemed, hoping it would express its name: SaDAKRODeR BOBOSOD – Swift Ship by speeding them up river.
[2] Journey to the Green Crystal Temple
The first section of the trip was from the Tower across the large mouth of the Great River, with its turbulent mixing of Sea and River, and then into the main river current. With all twelve at the oars it was still a struggle to push past NuMarket City the first day, finding a quiet tributary beyond the Interplanetary Zone and the more densely inhabited townlands on either side.
That’s where they camped the first night. The Workbros were exhausted. As were Thorn and Rad. Thorn insisted, once they got the rowers off the boat, wrists latched back, and standing at brace in a row,
“I see ya all panting an’ worn-down. That’s how every day’s gonna end here on the River. I wasn’t happy with ya performance today. I expect more progress as we move up river an’ ya get used t’ rowin’. Don’t let me down or expect t’ get punished.”
“Rad, let’s find a spot away from camp for them t’ poop ‘n’ piss. Then throw a tarp on the ground by our tent; get ‘em on it. Then it’s on their bellies, another tarp over ‘em, for enforced rest. We get the tent.”
Later Thorn and Rad were sharing a blanket, Thorn commenting,
“OK bro, guess you’re right. Those Workbros really pushed hard. No way that I could keep up with them and I’m in good shape, like you. I see we both took breaks. I’ll treat ‘em with respect, but no slack!”
The rowing ground on for another two weeks, with the rowers struggling daily against the current. Finally, Rad called Thorn,
“Look on the river horizon; there’s a green glinting... towering mountains beyond.”
“Right bro, we’re seeing the Green Crystal Temple, where the Great River divides into its two main tributaries: the North Branch [YaKUPeR] and the South Branch [PZaTeR].
“Let’s push the manimals; I want them to get us there by sundown.”
As the sun was setting to the west it gleamed through a gigantic crystal, the size of a large hill, which had been cunningly transformed into a statue of an ancient Terran philosopher, known as the Enlightened One [E Y<>C<>eR]. Both Thorn and Rad stood by the ship’s prow, gazing at the Temple as their rowers struggled toward the shore, now in turbulent waters again, where the two great tributaries mixed. Once the boat was tied to the dock and oars stowed Rad latched their wrists back and left their ankle cuffs bolted to the boat, saying to Thorn,
“That’ll keep ‘em from wandering off.”
To the rowers,
“Rest here; keep quiet. We’ll be back.”
[3] At the Temple
The two strode across a large open field finally reaching the tall doorway at the base of the Temple. It was not easy to fully comprehend the size of what they were approaching. Was it a building the size of a mountain, or a mountain carved to resemble a gigantic sculpture of a robed man sitting cross-egged in meditation?
Even on a world where buildings were ‘grown’ by wizards with Talents that allowed the builders to psychically ‘coax’ materials from deep within the planet, enchanting them to form fanciful but useful structures, this work stood as unique.
The doors, when they reached them, stood dozens of feet tall. Ornate and gilded, they were pierced with an intricate design, representing the Wheel of the Dharma, made brilliant with artfully placed stained glass in shades of red, contrasting with, and complimenting the luminescent green of the great statue.
At the base of these ceremonial gates were two more prosaic doors within the doors. One was opened and several monks in bright orange robes were coming and going. Two turned to the companions and bowing, greeted them, the elder speaking softly,
“Welcome travelers. You are expected. Please follow.”
The robes swirled and the companions followed into the cool and quiet interior. There was a long, tall hall, softly lit green with light filtering through the mass of the temple. They reached a series of doorways and followed the monks through the last one and to a spiral staircase upward.
Several flights higher they were led down another hall toward a double door with light streaming through its glazing. The doors led to a large porch overlooking the countryside, a branch of the Great River on either side, high mountains in the distance.
[4] Tea Party with the Abbot
At a table along the porch railing sat another elderly monk. The table had cups and a steaming teapot on it. He motioned them to seats facing him across it.
The tea was aromatic. The monks were silent. Thorn spoke first,
“It is an honor to be received by the Abbot of the Green Crystal Temple. We have come seeking your help on our journey to the Stronghold of the Dragons.”
The Abbot replied,
“Yes ZUR NeZDeR, we are aware of your quest. It is our privilege to assist you on your way.”
He sipped more tea and continued,
“This Temple is both a place in space-time and a particular nexus of powerful illuminating energies, of a different nature than the healing energies of the Valley of the Healers or of what we see as the martial energies of the Great Tower.”
He paused again, sipping,
“I invite you and your companion to spend the night here in the Temple in the Chamber of the Third Eye, E C<>CAP in Dragon-talk. I think you will find the experience enlightening. If you return to the main entrance at sundown, a monk will lead you there.”
Standing, Thorn bowed and replied seriously,
“Thank you for your kindness.”
The Abbot stood too, smiling,
“As you leave to return to your ship until nightfall there will be baskets of bread, mead and cheese for you and your crew. Greet the Great Dragons for us.”
[5] Faring Forth: Remote Viewing the Dragon Hold
Their rowers were happy to share in the monks’ simple but substantial food. Rad was happy that they would have extra food for their trip with its unknown duration. They set up camp and saw to the rowers.
They returned to the Temple as the sun disappeared to the west. Another monk, hardly distinguishable from other monks in his robes, motioned for them to follow.
Once again they entered into the great hall, but this time, they turned aside to another hall that led to another long and tight spiral stairs up to a perfectly globular chamber that protruded from the wall of the sculpture, forming the Third Eye of the gigantic statue. The crystal wall was thin enough to see clearly over the confluence of the tributaries that formed the Great River.
The monk pointed to a pile of cushions that filled the bottom of the globe and departed.
Rad led the way, sliding down the curved wall and onto the cushions; Thorn, laughing, slide down too. Rad pointed back to a rope ladder that hung down from below the entrance,
“Well, I guess we’re supposed to climb back out in the morning.”
“Yes, I suspect there will be a spectacular sunrise of Altsol over the River. But now, I propose we sit in meditation as the stars come out and see what happens.”
Rad, grinning, added,
“I’ve got a couple of cannabis cookies... so the night won’t be a total loss...”
Later, his arm around Rad, feeling as though they were floating in space, stars above, glistening river below, Thorn whispers,
“I feel dragon energy... Powerful energy... Pay attention!”
He pulled the youth onto his lap, wrapping legs and arms around him, hugging them close together.
The dark in the room was slowly replaced with a pearly luminosity. It coalesced about them, glowing. Rad could feel a tingling sensation throughout his body. Thorn appeared lit from within. It seemed to Rad that Thorn and the Light were conversing. Then Thorn spoke,
“My Dragon-Friend [MACRODOT-KaZOD] wishes to take us on an out-of-body ride. He needs your consent to overshadow you, as he is overshadowing me. It is like being embraced in light. It feels good.”
“I already feel a tingling and see you enveloped in light. Let’s go for it!”
They closed their eyes, but as the Dragon ‘overshadowed’ them they could see as if through 360 degree eyesight. As their minds leaped up and out through the crystal wall the whole world, spread below them, was bathed in light, though it was the middle of the night and Altluna had not yet arisen.
Rad thought he heard Thorn’s voice,
“This is how the world appears to the Dragons: full circle vision and a very broad spectrum. My friend has dampened his own perception so as not to overwhelm us. He’s taking us West, up the River tributary, perhaps to the Dragon Hold.”
They gazed down noticing their ship, feeling the Dragon reach into their minds, acknowledging the boat,
“Dragon ship for dragon riders; oarsmen to fly across the water...”
Then they turned north and west, following the northern branch, gliding above the dark, choppy waters, which began to reflect broken light as Altluna arose.
Soon they could see the Mountains of Fire and Ice looming far upriver. The ruddy glow of the volcanoes of the Mountains of Fire to the left reflected off the moon-bright snow fields of the Mountains of Ice on the right. They swooped to the left toward the wall of mountains and the shadows of the evergreen forest there.
There they followed a deep river canyon to the Dragon Hold, zooming toward a spectacular, but deeply shaded vision of polished stone arrayed into intricate towers, shimmering in the moonlight, fairy lights moving in and out...
And then they soared up and back to the river, blasting east toward the rising sun...
As the Dragon faded from their minds Thorn distinctly heard,
“By the coming initiation this Being becomes a Great Dragon with a Name of Power [MaSaD LAZ<>OD]: COKCASRODeR [East Wind Rider]. I await your arrival...”
They returned to consciousness, still sitting together, opening their eyes, as Altsol rose to the east, far down river. Neither spoke for some time.
“Rad, I’m not sure what you experienced, but I know exactly where we’re going...”
“Thorn, it was amazing; let’s get going! Hope the monks have some more baskets for us...”
[6] Journey to the Dragon Hold
Their oarsmen were happy to see them carrying more baskets of provisions. It was a cool but sunny morning, perfect rowing weather. The Green Crystal Temple stood on the point where the two main tributaries of the Great River met, flowing thence to the Conjoining Sea. The two rivers, the north, flowing from the mountains, murky in the sun light, and the south, sparkling from its journey through as-yet unpopulated grasslands, met in turbulent waters.
The Dragon Boat struggled through hundreds of yards of white water, finally breaking into the main stream of the tributary, where hard rowing drove it upstream.
They stopped for the night, hauling the boat onto a spit of sand below cliffs on either side. Later, the companions, wrapped in a blanket, watched the water flow by, conversing,
“Wonder what our friends are doing?”
“Likely Ice and Fee are hanging out with my sisters, making more babies...”
“And O’dn and Will are sleeping in the Keepers’ Barracks!”
“What do we know about the trip up river? The north branch seems rougher than the southern.”
“I think my Dragon friend showed me the route. Beyond these cliffs is a calmer area, then more cliffs and rough water. Then straight rowing for several days to the canyon to the Dragon Hold.”
They were quiet as the stars twinkled overhead. Thorn continued,
“E MACRODOTYaB – the Dragon Hold – is deep in the highest mountains, where the Mountains of Fire meet those of Ice. I am amazed at what we saw, faring forth. How will it look in conscious daylight! Extraordinary designs of the structures which the Dragons have coaxed into existence! They must use psychic capacities similar to some of the maker Talents possessed by our people. The Dragons do not need dwellings, or any material conditions; their designs are pure art, and ritual, set in stone.”
After a week or more rowing up the “Right Tributary” of the Great River they arrived at towering cliffs, as Thorn had seen, directed by their Guide, COKCAS to the small break in the cliffs where a rushing stream entered the River from its canyon. Securing their boat at a spit of sand the human company climbed up and onto an escarpment partway up the ridgeside, following the stream into the mountains.
As they marched along the stream the mountains towered closer and closer. They could see, off to the left, the ruddy glow of the volcanos beyond the nearest peaks. The risen sun gleamed off the ice fields above and to the right.
It was nearly nightfall when they found themselves within a thousand yards of the mountainside. Thorn held up his right arm, calling for a halt. They stood in silence, looking up at the intricate, truly ‘alien’ stone work of the Dragon Hold.
“COKCAS says we are to camp over there, by those trees.”
He pointed. Rad followed his arm, noticing the copse a few hundred yards to the right, one of the few clumps of trees on what was a high mountain meadow. They changed directions and moved across the line of the Dragons’ stone work
[7] Camping Before the Dragon Hold
The humans had been invited to camp near the center of the meadow, in a small decline which was watered by an icy stream from the right and a hot spring from the left. Where they met was a nicely warm pond surrounded by soft and fragrant mosses luxuriating in the perfect environment for their species: a multicolored garden loved by the Dragons and a perfect place to camp. This was surrounded by dark evergreens, sheltering, but standing back from, the garden of mosses and the pond. It was a place that invited comfort and security. After weeks of hard rowing, a climb and march, it was time to drop all burdens, strip, soak and let go.
And so that’s exactly what the crew and companions did.
But before the last light faded Thorn put on his stern face,
“OK all you grunts, out of the water. Gotta set up camp, two tents and a fire... Do that fast enough and you can get back in the water a while after eating...”
[8] The Towers of the Dragon Hold
They woke refreshed next morning. The rising sun slanted through the trees and against the face of the Dragon Hold which, in the bright light, showed its true colors, a kaleidoscope of polished and cut minerals, in all the shades of stone; shattered, melted, re-crystalized, and carved by time and dragon; born of the clash between the Mountains of Fire and the Mountains of Ice.
These intricate towers and galleries, and tinkling stone chimes, worked their way up the mountain sides, up near the ice and snow which capped the Stronghold on the right, and nearly as far up as to be close to the volcanic caldera to the left.
After breakfast, and securing their rowers, Rad and Thorn walked toward the Dragon Hold. They began to hear a gentle whistling, resolving into many streams of sound flowing through and from the stone.
As they approached they were dwarfed by the enormous size of the structures, if these intricate traceries of stone could be deemed a ‘structure.’ Thorn felt he could see Dragons, faintly glowing, flowing into and out from the stonework. He paused, placed a hand on Rad’s shoulder, pointing with the other to where several glowing streamers were flowing from the cliff face toward them. Rad nodded his head, indicating that he saw something...
And then they were surrounded by light; the air about them vibrating and twinkling; the chimes and wind adding to the artistic effect. One of the swirls of light coalesced around Thorn, mimicking his size and shape. Rad noticed,
“That’s the Dragon that visited us at the Green Crystal Temple?”
Thorn, his gaze far-off, nodded, and walked over to the boy, the surrounding entity flowing along with his gate.
“They want me to enter through a slit in the mountain wall, in that shadow, over there...”
His arm reached out.
“Walk with me, but only I may enter. You’ll need to wait with the rowers... it may be several days...”
His arm reached around, pulling Rad against himself; the dragon energy embraced them both. They reached the cliff wall, staring at the intricate carving of the surface.
“It’s fractal patterns, repeating but not repeating. Astounding...”
Then Rad could see the opening, a dozen feet high, about 2 feet wide. It appeared to give access to a vast space, shafts of light piercing the intricate carvings, making the stone floor dappled with light. Fairy lights were twinkling in the space; Dragon energies floated by.
Thorn turned to Rad, hugged him, and then turned, trance-like to the slit, and entered, disappearing into the shadows.
Rad waited a few minutes and returned to the campsite.
[9] Chamber of Initiation
Thorn felt as though he were gliding through a dream as he passed from the bright morning light, through the narrow gateway and into the shadows of the interior of the mountain. He felt a vague sense of unease. Nonetheless he felt the protective surround of his Dragon friend.
He noticed that the floor, made from the same multicolored agates as the mountainside was polished to a fine sheen. There was fine tracery along the floor, reflecting the fractal patterns of the Dragon Cliffside. Shafts of light seemed to slowly slide across the stone... as though his perception had slowed such that he could see the movement of Altsol, mimicked in the shafts of light.
His perceptions seemed somehow elongated. He had a thought, perhaps the first in hours...
“Friend Dragon, this place is a gigantic computing device, an energy machine... what does it make?”
Then he found himself mounting a long series of steps to an open portico, the ruddy sun just setting behind distant hills to the west. Fairy lights, like those in the Party Tree back home, were hovering about. He heard is question reverberating; he heard an answer in his mind, as if spoken by several voices, overlapping, repeating, echoing...
“KaZ YE<N> eMACRODOT, Friend of Dragons,
this place was made for you;
to raise you to a higher state of consciousness.
“These chambers are an Illumination Machine.
Your folk have many machines,
thinking machines, robotic machines, even a resurrection machine;
we have made this one machine to expand our experience of Art,
thereby maturing the Spirit-Mind of your folk on this world.
You, Knight of the Tower, NeZDer DABCABeROD,
born of this world and of your folk,
will now be born again, to a new reality,
oh man of Terra, man of Alterra.”
“Before the coming of humanity to our world
we had no need for a Dragon Hold.
We built the Hold to experience what you experience when you construct.
It – making -- seems a defining behavior of your species. And as we built we learned...”
“But now we are here for a special purpose; come forward.
There is a meditation platform here, facing the setting sun.
Sit and enter into yourself.
Eyes closed. Breathing slowed...
Become as one with your Dragon Friend...”
Thorn’s mind faded into a glowing point as he felt his being and his Dragon Friend coincided, point by point. He felt his friend changing, becoming a Great Dragon, one of the elders of his kind, more powerful, yet more connect to the Dragon’s human counterpart. Thorn thought,
“Friend COKCAS, now I feel the enhanced power of a great dragon; I partake of your broad-spectrum perceptions; seeing so much wider that humanity’s narrow window of light and sound. Now I understand the power of the Protectors, eCABDABeR. I look forward to the day when we two will assume the post of the Protector of the East.”
“I thank my Dragon Friends. I am humbled..., but will I always have this high mindedness? How, perceiving time and space and spirit as I now do, will I ever interact with the everyday world?
He paused and the multiple voices responded,
“Your brain has filters that will allow you to act in your world;
but, any time you have need,
call upon the Great Dragon you have nicknamed COKCAS;
he is always with you.
Even now you can call upon the full power of a Protector,
but take some of what you call time and learn how to work together,
and with your companions.
You are a leader among your kind;
that is a reason we chose you for this task.
As a son of this world your mind abilities will continue to grow.
Your adventures with COKCAS and your companions have only just begun...
What have you to say to that?
Thorn thought, then responded:
“There is but one Word I must add to this Ritual of Initiation; as the Mage taught us, that Word is ‘Love’ – for without it no Ritual is complete, but with it, no negation may enter the Ritual Space. Let me recite for you a poem written long ago by the Mage’s Spouse, which I memorized when a Cadet,
The Journey
The process winds and buckles
and whispers through its spin
direction leaves us breathless
perceiving scenes within-
So life proves its illusions
so age replaces youth
But wisdom sparks the breakthrough
Love is the only Truth. Kate, 2021 TCE
[10] Thorn’s Poem
Thorn found himself walking out of the mountainside as the sun was rising again,
“How many days? Hungry...”
He felt his Dragon friend still with him; he felt they would never be apart again. He heard,
“Satisfy your physical needs. Then one task remains before you return to the River, the Elders wish you to express your feelings in PSAKaDAS, True Speech, for the great Art of your folk is a word-art, as you do not think except in words. Then they will grant you the Mark of Initiation. Return to the Gate when you are ready.”
As he staggered back to the campsite Rad must have seen him, as the lad came running. He grabbed his friend and helped him to continue walking.
“It’s been four days! What happened? Are you OK?”
“Need water, food, rest...”
The next day, a much refreshed Thorn sat with Rad by the camp fire, breakfasting on hot oat porridge with dried fruit and nuts. He described his experience, as best as he could remember. Rad took notes,
“The Mage will want a report... And the Dragons want a poem... an odd thing to want from a warrior! I guess they want to make sure, though you’re a thug, you’re a cultured thug!”
They laughed and then Rad left Thorn alone, bustling around the rowers, who would soon be back on the River. Hopefully boating downriver will be less arduous than rowing upriver.
Later that day Thorn called Rad over and read to him,
eMACRODOT RODaMU A<PE MACZaL PYODLABeR. Dragons ride the air freely.
E PYODROTL DaBaMO< A<P eZORODaM. This Freeman walked World Gates.
ZaMDaBTAPeR YE>Z E MACRODOTYaB Pilgrimaging to the Dragon Hold.
TATeB ZaMACRODaM; Here to shaman-journey;
TATeB MACRODaM: Here to ride the dragon:
YE>M E COKUM RODaMa> A<P YaZAM, From the East I ride to Higher Planes,
YE>C a>MACRODOT-LATO>LeS, K<>. With my dragon-brother, Love.
Next morning Thorn and Rad walked back to the mountain gate. Rad remarking,
“COKCAS is with you; your aura feels different...”
Thorn looked toward him,
“The Mage is right; all of our generation has greater Talents than past generations...”
Rad waited at the gate while Thorn entered again.
COKCAS guided him back into the Chambers of the Dragons; this time, though, Thorn’s experience of time seemed normal. Back up the steps, no doubt made for human use, as Dragons had no need, being able to defy gravity. At the portico Thorn read his poem which seemed to be acceptable.
“Now PYODROTL-KaZ we will fill your mind with the Secrets of the Dragon. We will mark you as a Dragon Friend, and the Talented will know of your Mark. Breathe deeply, and receive...”
When Thorn reemerged into daylight hours had passed. When Rad turned to speak, Thorn nodded,
“No speaking... tomorrow...”
They returned to the campsite in silence and Thorn went to sleep immediately. Rad sat up most of the night, watching his friend who, periodically, seemed to have troubled dreams. He felt the presence of the Dragon.
[11] Secret Teachings
The next morning the best Thorn could do at explaining what he had experienced was to speak in a Haiku, in English, which he then translated into PSAKaDAS.
E LAZ<> LARLOT The singular god
PA>T LAMa> YaD LAZ<> PA>T That I am and the god that
LAMO>: DART LAM L<> Thou art: All are One.
“Didn’t know you were becoming a poet, adding to the Shaman’s Songs!”
“Rad, I didn’t know that either...everything mutates and becomes more of itself when humans and dragons interact... they’ve got plans for all of us, especially my nephews! But not sure what they plan...
[12] Dragon Party
Later that day, as they prepared to break camp, COKCAS coalesced before them, withdrawing from Thorn, appearing in the guise of a young Keeper’s Assistant, not unlike Rad, speaking by vibrating the air,
“Before you return to the River we invite you to remain another night. After sunset this Dragon and some other young Dragons will visit your campsite for what you call a ‘party’ Have you any of the Monk’s Mead? Any incense?”
Thorn and Rad laughed, Rad replying,
“Yes we do, and the Mage gave me incense as a gift for your folk as we leave. So, yes, we await you and your friends.”
That night the humans were treated to a display of dragon lights; mead was drunk, and some poured onto warm rocks near the fire, the essence evaporating to the delight of the Dragons.
Hemp-based incense was burned, and was of a type that was especially loved by them; the lights that they emitted became more raucous and intricate...
The humans sang camp songs from old earth, the two Alterrans joining their Terran rowers. They all became quite drunk.
The Dragons did find the young humans entertaining. The humans found the Dragons extraordinary. Late in the night COKCAS again withdrew from Thorn and made himself visible and palpable, vibrating the air so all felt his words.
“There is much we seek to learn from our human friends. Matters that even a hundred years of studying your species we have not yet learned. One among many is this thing you call an ‘orgasm’ – we are not sure, but believe it has something to do with how your species reproduces.”
The dragon paused,
“We dragons do that by melding together and then one of the birthing group gives rise to a bud that blossoms into a new dragon. While the experience is pleasant, and having ‘offspring’ as you call it, fulfilling, we do not experience anything like the energetic and biochemical release that we see in your species’ experience. We wish to learn more and request that you show us.”
Thorn looked to Rad, shrugging,
“Let’s get our rowers in a circle; they can show our guests how it’s done.”
Rad nodded,
Thorn pushed the rather drunk manimals into a circle, smacking a few bare butts in the process, dropping his shorts and nodding to Rad to do the same. They stood with the rowers and began to count strokes. Other than that, and the sounds of the fire and the nearby hot springs, the campsite became quiet.
The Dragons coalesced among the humans, flowing into and out of the circle, absorbing the energy field radiated by the rowers’ efforts; the Dragons glowing brightly as the humans ejaculated.
COKCAS vibrated in Thorn and Rad’s minds,
“Thank you friends; that was most interesting... and delicious... You and your rowers will be changed by this experience; we have corrected any flaws in your physical or mental structure and you will find stamina increased and minds calmed. We know you have a hundred of what you call ‘Workbros’; if you wish, we can correct them too; they will be much more useful to you...”
Rad replied,
“Some of us think it was a mistake keeping them on this world in the first place; making them better involuntary workers may not be helping...”
The Dragon hesitated,
“We did with them what we do together with your Healers, helping humans attain and maintain wholeness in the circumstances they find themselves. We do understand that there is conflict in your feelings, as there was conflict with them when they came to this world. We do not judge. Ask your Mage to inspect them; he will learn what he needs to understand. I will follow your progress home and join you when you return to the Tower.”
Thorn explained,
“My ancestors came to this world as refugees and we have always treated with you as friends, honorably, but these men came here with weapons, intent on conquest. They forfeited their freedom, as the Mage says.”
Rad looked at him and shook his head. The Dragon replied.
“We do not judge. They are yours to deal with as you will.”
With that the dragons were gone and Rad busied himself getting the rowers restrained for the remainder of the night.
[13] Journey Toward Home
By shortly after dawn the camp had been packed-up and the crew was climbing back down the ridge side and back to their Dragon Boat. A few minutes later they had pushed off and were heading down stream to the River and home.
Gliding downriver was far easier than rowing against the current so the trip took on a nearly festive appearance. Guiding the boat around boulders was what needed attention, not speed.
The rowers, urged on by Rad, even started singing as they went, old songs like
“Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream...”
After a few days on the River they reached the confluence of the two main tributaries of the Great River. They could see the huge green crystal statue glistening in the sunshine. Caught in the swift flowing of the River they decided to continue, waving at some monks by the shore who waved back.
Another day and there were dark gray clouds on the horizon, downriver. Rad spoke to Thorn as they prepared to find a suitable riverbank to stop for the night.
“Hope it’s just an ordinary storm. After our adventures with bifurcation bleed-through and all that stuff I don’t think I’ll ever be sure that it’s just weather...”
“Rad, this time it is. I checked on my cell, but high winds and lots of rain. Let’s find a side channel and get off the main river, under some trees...”
“Hey, I thought we weren’t supposed to use ‘human tech’ on this pilgrimage...”
“Uh, not exactly. I was told I had to use muscle power alone to get to the Dragon Hold. No one told me about what to do after, so I’m free to act as I want. And over there is a side stream, and a good size one. Let’s get our rowers to work. They’ve been getting lazy, floating down the River!”
Rad directed the boat into the stream and started encouraging more vigorous rowing with a combination of jokes and threats, and as the oars dug deeper into the water, the supple Dragon Boat pivoted, crossed the current, and headed upstream into the side river as the clouds came further upriver.
[14] Tea Party at the Valley of the Healers
“Thorn, do you know where we are?”
“Yes, GPS says we’ve entered the River of the Valley of Healers, RATAT YE>N< NOZRAT HOZTATOD, called RATAT NOZRATeR, but the Valley itself is a couple of hundred miles upriver. We’ll have to find a sheltered cove and wait out the storm. We’d best get as far as we can; let’s grab oars and lead our rowers by example.”
An hour later they were miles above the confluence of the rivers, seeking shelter. They found a cove with a thick evergreen forest against a Cliffside. Upon hauling the boat out they prepared to make camp.
Before they could start, however, Rad spotted a flying disc coming downriver toward them.
“Thorn, look there! An antigrav flyer heading here...”
A minute later the disc landed by the water’s edge. A ramp came down to the beach. Several Matrons of the Healers exited, their flowing green robes instantly denoting their status. Thorn strode toward them.
“Greetings Sisters! We are honored.”
He bowed. The eldest spoke,
“And we greet you, ZUR NeZDeR. We know of your journey. There is a storm coming and we invite you and your crew to come with us. Guests on quests are always welcomed.”
Thorn smiled and bowed again. He turned to Rad,
“Let’s get a tarp over the boat and get shorts on our rowers.”
The Elder Matron spoke again,
“We will await you in the disc. Please hurry. Sister Grace will guide you.”
Once the companions had the rowers’ mouth guards in place, wrists latched back and in a close line, a strong chain running between legs and hooked to their control belts, they led them to the disc.
As they walked up the ramp Thorn addressed the Matron awaiting them.
“Sister Grace, our rowers are prisoners and we have to keep them under close guard. Where can we secure them?”
“Of course. I will lead you to the cargo hold. They can be locked in there.”
There were several storage bins, one of which was large enough to pack the rowers into it.
“Stay put. Eyes shut. If you misbehave you’ll be on short rations for the rest of the journey.”
The bin gate was locked and the rowers were left alone. The Matron led the companions to the observation deck where they watched the vessel glide quickly upriver, a few feet above the water.
Two hours later they could see a scattering of log cabins and larger log buildings among some giant trees along the river and around a large spring-fed pond at its source. The antigrav craft settled by the river near one of the cabins. Their Matron guide explained,
“This cabin is for your use. We will bring food. Tonight I will come for you as the Chief Matrons wish to invite you to Tea. Our Patroness, the Mage’s Spouse, is not in the Valley at the moment, but The Three Who Watch [E SUR PA<B CAPDYaMeR], our Overseeresses, would be honored with your presence...”
She paused, bowing.
“When we return with food we would like to examine you and your rowers. We received a message from the Tower that they had a message from the Dragon Hold that we should do so, as we might learn from your experience that which might be of benefit to our healing arts. We will need to take some samples too, blood, saliva, sperm.”
She bowed and left while the companions looked at each other, eyes widening, and then around them at the cabin interior.
It consisted of a large room with loft along the back end, a small kitchen and a door that, Rad discovered, led to a bathroom with a big shower. Hampers of food and drink arrived. The rowers were released and, all sitting on the floor of the main room, food was shared around.
After, Thorn and Rad sat out on the cabin porch while the Sisters inspected their rowers.
It was just turning dark when Sister Grace reappeared. The rowers had been bound again and told to sleep. Rad and Thorn followed the silent Matron.
They walked through pleasant, well-tended woodland, with various rustic cabins set along trails and backed by running streams. Altluna’s light filtered through the trees, dappling the pathway. Several larger structures appeared around a clearing ahead of them on the trail. They were led toward one structure boasting a deep porch with several stories rising above it, disappearing into and among the tall trees. The pillars of the porch were artfully carved tree trunk. Vines and flowers grew among their intertwined branches.
It took Thorn and Rad a long moment to realize those sculpted tree trunks were part of living trees, still bearing leaves even as they bore the structure which, they realized, was more treehouse than it first appeared. They entered and found themselves led to steep stairs which they climbed, reaching a series of plank and rope bridges which let them farther up into the trees. It was quiet except for the rustling of the leaves in the nighttime breeze.
The Matron motioned them out onto a platform where there were cushions arranged around a brazier, a kettle heating over it.
“Please sit. The Elders will be here shortly.”
The companions did as bid: sat and waited.
Three Elders arrived, their green robes flowing. Their guests stood. Surprisingly supple elderly women, the three settled onto available cushions. One spoke,
“Thorn, we are so pleased that you and your companions are visiting us. I hope you feel as comfortable as did your mother when she was a student here, as I was, oh, too many decades ago!”
“Yes Sister, she’s told us stories of those days. There was some excitement. Her Talent was more toward weather control than healing techniques.”
“She asked for a Trimantic Reading from the Seeress. There were many portents. The Threes were clear; your mother’s time in the Valley was ending. The reading was, as I still recall, without indeterminacies:
The Fifth Primary Term: Power Path: TODT ZARATADOD
The Third Term: ZARATAD (Pathway) Positive
The Subsequent Term: LAD (Start) Positive
The Clarifying Term: ZaL (Life)
“The Seeress saw that her future was with your father, not in the Valley. She read the results to be children of special Talents; the father’s genetic line had latent Talent that enhanced their maternal Talent. Thus, had she remained in the Valley, the Battles at the Gates and Tower might have been lost, with unforeseeable consequences. You see young Thorn decisions made decades before reverberate in ways we cannot expect. But life goes on and I hear that you are an Uncle double over. Tell me about your nephews as we share the ritual of Tea.”
Another of the Matrons added,
“Delightfully, the ritual of a formal Tea Party and the sharing of it, is a cross-cultural tradition on Alterra, inherited from our Terran ancestors.”
Rad jokingly added,
“Yes, wasn’t there a famous literary Tea Party, involving a Mad Hatter and some others...”
The Matrons laughed,
“Your squire, Sir Knight, is cheeky! I am sure we were referring to staid and formal Teas, such as the honored Tea Ceremony of the Japanese, or the British ritual of High Tea that is still conducted in a few places back on Old Earth.”
The third Matron winked,
“Oh yes, very staid, very culturally reaffirming. We do, however, have some of that lovely plum wine from the southern islands...”
Now it was the boys turn to laugh. And so it went, back and forth for some time, with tea and cakes and brandy.
The talk eventually got around to the ‘examination’ which had been conducted earlier in the day, when several Sisters brought food to their cabin and then, using hand-held bio-sign readers of various sorts, recorded data from all the rowers and the two companions.
The third Sister related,
“Our Sisters examination showed that you are all in exceptional health, even for this world with its unique capacities that enhance longevity. Our Dragon Friends seemed to have thoroughly ‘cleared’ your systems leaving you, shall we say, uncontaminated. Your genetic capacities, including any Talents will express themselves most powerfully.”
Then the conversation drifted elsewhere, as more plum wine was served.
It was quite late when the party broke up and one of the Matrons said, off-highhandedly,
“ZUR NeZDeR, I nearly forgot, your brothers-in-law will be here early tomorrow. They are taking their sky cycles up the Great River overnight to meet you. We will fly you and your rowers there first thing tomorrow; well, first thing after breakfast. You can’t go off without a nice cup o’ tea and filled crumpets...”
Thorn and Rad made their way back to the cabin and quickly fell fast asleep.
[15] Journey Continues on the Party Boat
It was just dawn when the cabin door burst open with Ice, Feo, O’dn and Will rushing in, shouting,
“Wake up! Time to row! Lots of miles to go!”
Thorn and Rad found themselves piled on by their friends who pulled the blanket off them, one declaring,
“Hey, ya still have your jocks on... thought we’d catch ya ‘in flagrante delicto’!”
While the two were pulled apart and tickled Feo noted,
“An’ you have the rowers all neatly lined-up under a tarp. Nothin’ gross there either...”
After some general wrestling around Feo produced a basket filled with warm rolls stuffed with eggs, cheese and vat-grown bacon, enough for all, including a half roll for each rower.
“The Sisters told us there will be hot tea ‘n’ cakes on their flying saucer...”
“That’s very civilized of them.”
After eating they pulled on their clothes (each was wearing his ‘summer uniform’ – Thorn in the gray boots, shorts and tee-shirt of a Tower Knight; Rad in the same, but the brown of the Keepers.
A flying disc was waiting by the cabin. As soon as they had the rowers back into the cargo hold and the companions’ sky cycles stowed as well, the ship took off and sped them back down the Valley River to where their Dragon Boat awaited.
A few minutes later the boat was back into the water, the rowers at their benches, with several rowers doubled-up on mid-ship oars so the companions could man the rear oars by the steering board.
After a half hour of rushing downriver, at the combined speed of the current and the rowers, they entered the Great River, noting that the confluence was rougher than before, due to the previous day’s storm.
But then the River calmed as they headed east, downriver toward Numarket City and the Crystal Tower.
“We should be back by the City in three days; at the Tower that evening. We’ll camp along the shore twice...”
“Alright brothers, we get two camping parties! Hey ya rowers, just ‘cause this is now a party boat doesn’t mean ya gonna get any slack! Put ya backs into it!”
The weather was perfect; the rowing downstream was easy; the camp parties were legendary... even the rowers were allowed to join in the Knight Stomp, drinking, carousing, singing, and campfire leaping... other vigorous activities best left to the imagination... boys will be boys, no matter the planet of origin.
“What happens at the campsite stays at the campsite!”
On the third day they could see the glass and steel towers of the City on the horizon.
As they passed between City Island and the main part of the City, heading under the One Bridge, Thorn ordered the rowers,
“Double time manimals! Show the folks on the bridge how Dragon Boat rowers do it!”
Some of the folk on the bridge waved and shortly they were beyond the City and entering the large basin that formed the mouth of the Great River, with the Crystal Tower at the end by the Conjoining Sea.
As they approached the Tower Dock from where they had departed weeks before, Thorn shouted
“The Water Rider returns!”
Dozens of Knights, Cadets and Keepers were there, led by the Mage. They gave three loud cheers as the boat docked. As the companions climbed onto the dock to the usual fist-bumping and hugs Rad stayed back, ordering the rowers to line-up. He made sure their mouth guards were in place, and ran a chain through their legs, attached to their belts, pulling them together and up onto the dock. Thorn nodded to him,
“They’ve got food for us all at KAZaZYaB; bring the manimals; we can take ‘em back to their prison later. Looks like it’s time for another party!”
The ‘Tea Chamber’ was filled with well-wishers as well as plentiful food and drink. The Mage led a series of toasts to Thorn, Rad, and even the rowers.
Soon all were guzzling and laughing and then some of the Knights began a boisterous Knight Stomp, pulling rowers and Keepers into the dance. It may be best to allow the gentle reader’s imagination a moment of distraction as young men will always do what they do when alcohol, cannabis, loud music and dancing combine.
The Mage and Thorn were able to step outside the chamber to hear each other.
They chatted for a while about the pilgrimage and about their interactions with the Dragons. The Mage questioned him closely on the findings of the Sisters from the Valley of the Healers. He wanted to know what happened. He was frankly concerned with what Talents might be triggered among their rowers.
Thorn steered the conversation back to the core of his experience at the Dragon Hold, saying to the Mage:
“Were you also initiated at the Dragon Mountain?”
Mage to Thorn:
“What do you feel?”
“Mage, you didn’t experience what I did. Was I the first to visit the Dragon Hold? That’s what I felt. They built it for us and they want all the Knights, you too, to learn... They think it’s time to build an even closer bond between humans with Talent and their folk. But why take a hundred years to get to that stage?”
“Thorn, their sense of time is different from ours, and ours here on Alterra is not what it is among the other humans of the Diaspora. I think the Dragons were waiting until several generations had been born here before really opening themselves to us in their full potency. Defeating that ‘Something’ that sought to attack us through the weather convinced them that we would defend their world, our world...”
“That feels genuine too URZUR. They gave me a formula that I made into that haiku that I sent you. But there were more, more and deeper secrets.”
He leaned over and whispered to the Mage for long seconds. The Mage nodded several times. Then he paused,
“Much to consider... oh, almost forgot. Your sisters, and nephews, expect you all for dinner tomorrow after sundown.
Thorn smiled,
“Well, I’d better get back to my bros. No telling what mischief they’ll get into tonight... or tomorrow!”
Chapter Five: Party Routine
The next morning Rad disentangled himself and pulled his rowers from among the now sleeping partiers. The manimals did look a bit worse for the wear. He quickly had them all secured, wrists latched back, mouth guards in place, in the ‘tight gang formation’ that was used to move the prisoners from task to task.
As he was exiting the chamber the Mage was walking down the hall,
“Good Rad, I’ll help you get these critters back to work. I suspect your companions and the other party-goers are not likely to be up and at it for some time today, but that’s no excuse for our manimals. They need to be worked every day. Since they’ve been travelling, I suppose we ought to inspect ‘em and clean ‘em up. Let me help you.”
“DYUT ZUR, the Dragons told Thorn that you should ‘inspect’ the rowers; they said they ‘corrected’ them, whatever that means!”
The Commander shrugged his shoulders,
“It means they’re experimenting... I’ve discussed this with the Sisters. I want you to keep an eye on these ten manimals. We need to be careful with this situation. I want you to report to me regularly...”
They jogged with the manimals back to the prison compound, located by the innermost farm fields.
[1] Routine is Good
There was a prepping facility in the prison compound which had been designed for efficient clean-up and grooming. The prisoners were used to the process and, though roughly treated, probably appreciated the attention.
The ‘First Stage’ was a tiled gang shower just big enough for the ten manimals that made up a single work gang. In addition to some shower heads and hoses there was a long poll let down from the ceiling by pulleys. The prisoners were bound by the wrists to the poll, arms apart, and told to hold on. It was hoisted up so that they were hanging off the floor, toes just not touching the tiles.
Rad stripped and turned on the shower heads for a minute while the Mage sat on a bench, observing. The water was preset to just warm. After the prisoners were thoroughly soaked he turned the shower off and took up a hose which he used between their gluts.
“Well ZUR, they’re wet.”
“Good; let me help. We’ve got buckets, soap and brushes, so let’s scrub ‘em right, from heads to toes. But first, looks like they’ve stretched a bit and some of ‘ir toes are on the floor. Haul ‘em up some more. Stretching is good for ‘em.”
After a few minutes of scrubbing Rad remarked,
“Yes Mage. Looks like they’re cleaner than they’ve been in a while! Please step aside and I’ll hose ‘em off.”
“Sure, but use cold water this time. You and Thorn were probably treating ‘em too good. Let’s start to recondition them. A harsh but complete inspection should get ‘em in the right state of mind, as properly mind-controlled Workbros.”
“DYUP ZUR. But it’s been years since the Invasion. Shouldn’t we let up on ‘em a bit?”
“Rad, I know you have a good heart and you’ve overseen Workbros long enough to appreciate how well they respond to all the hard work we demand of ‘em. But it would not be a kindness to ‘em for ‘em to believe ‘ay’ll get any slack from us. ‘Ay’re carefully mind-controlled to focus on the immediate task at hand. I doubt they even know how much time they’ve served, unless they were able to keep track of the number of Victory Day Celebrations where we’ve exhibited them. Strict discipline and hard work is just what they need to serve our needs.”
Rad began to hose the soap off the manimals while the Mage continued.
“When they’ve finished a special job, like rowing, we need to make sure they are reconditioned to regular manimal routine. Routine is good for them. At the same time, though, let’s keep their rowing skills at a high level too. I am putting you in charge of this gang; I want you to work ‘em hard, but make sure ‘ay practice rowing nearly every day. You can take Tower guests for boat rides, and sometimes I’ll want to be rowed to the City. Let’s keep their rowing stamina up.”
He chuckled,
“Also thinking of having a few racing chariots built; we could have manimal chariot races to entertain the folk during the annual homecoming camp-out party. We can have each senior Cadet train a prisoner to pull a chariot. I’m sure everyone would love the races! That way the Cadets will gain experience handling our prisoners.”
Rod shook his head,
“Are you sure ‘everyone’ will love the races; even the prisoners?”
“Especially the manimals! Those that are chosen to be trained by a Cadet will be presented as the best-of-the-best. Good bonding experience. The prisoners’ morale, and output, will benefit. I’m sure.”
After letting the manimals hang for a minute to drip off the poll was lowered and the manimals were secured as usual, wrists latched back, mouth guards in place. Then it was over to the ‘Second Stage’ which was an adjacent room with a platform at one end, a bench facing it. There were some floodlights directly over the platform.
The manimals were told to climb onto the platform for inspection, squatting, facing their inspectors.
“Rad, we want to do a thorough job, demonstrating complete control and dominance, while making sure the manimal is in good shape. We start with ‘em squatting since that’s a good submissive position. Follow what I do. Notice that I grab and smack as I’m handling.”
“First pull it over onto its back, grasping the ankles, inspect the feet. They should be callused and tough. Look for any sores, especially between toes. Remove any gravel stuck there. We want strong and healthy feet.”
“Second, spread those legs and inspect the anus. Push in two fingers and spread. You want to look for any damage from rough use. There are drawers under the platform with some salve, bandages and the like. Salving the critter’s abused anus is good manimal management.”
“Third, check the testicles, groin and underarms for any inflamed lymph nodes. Massage the balls and penis. The manimal should erect. If not, there may be a problem. Remember, manimal mind-control is built on the Four Controls: feed, work, rest and orgasm. Control those four and the manimal can be fully mind-controlled.”
“Fourth, pull it back up into a squatting position. Inspect its mouth by opening -- get your fingers into it. Have the manimal suck any butthole debris from your fingers. If so, take gloves off before checking the ears, nose and eyes.”
“Good. Let’s finish up and then let’s do some ‘D ‘n’ I’ – Discipline and Instruction – to reinforce their training. I find ‘D ‘n’ I’ relaxing, though I doubt the manimals do!”
“Get two of the discipline belts hanging on the wall and I’ll get ‘em into position. OK you grunts, on ya butts, feet out, line ‘em up. I want to see ya soles nicely lined and ready. Support each other. Get ready to hurt.”
Then to Rad,
“Proper ‘D ‘n’ I’ has three parts. One, Initial Abuse. Two, Instructions, which are usually built on trigger terms. Three, Concluding Abuse and, if warranted, the, uh, usual reward.”
While talking to Rad the Mage proceeded to smack the belt across the soles of the manimals’ feet.
“Take it grunts! Support each other. Bit down on ya mouth guards! Good grunts!”
He paused,
“Back on ya knees! Quick!”
They scrambled onto their knees while the Mage whacked out, this way or that...
“Rad, hop onto the platform behind ‘em, with the second belt. Crack their butts while I instruct.”
“Listen to the sound of my voice... counting down from three to one... three... two... one. You too are one minded. Breathe deeply and attend...”
He signaled Rad to stop while he repeated key trigger terms, over and over.
“Good grunts... breathing slow... now we anchor the lesson...”
As he spoke he belted each manimal across the chest, nodding to Rad to simultaneously crack their buttocks once more. Crack... Crack... Crack
“Work, obey, silence!”
“On your bellies. Eyes closed. Wait!”
To Rad, quietly,
“Let’s let ‘em rest a bit and then we’ll reward ‘em.”
Rad nodded,
“ZUR, it must be very intense being a manimal war criminal. Made to invade another world and now sentenced to life at hard labor. I know their labor is helpful and keeps the Tower in good order. They look healthy enough, though. I feel conflicted about the whole ‘justice’ thing...”
The Mage thought a moment,
“I understand Rad. Every society needs a way to deal with delinquents; almost always young males without close family or community bonds. You know, in addition to our POWs we have nearly as many Workbros from other sources. Well, two sources actually.”
“First, there are volunteer Workbros who want to be part of the Orders of the Tower and are willing to submit to manimal status for a period of service. Second there are some real delinquents who have gotten into enough trouble that they are likely to be exiled off-world. I give them the choice of ‘volunteering’ as permanent Workbros. They are among our hardest working manimals.”
“And then there are our POWs. All are subjected to the same routine, the same mind-control and the same discipline. Well, we only display prisoners at the victory celebration... I don’t find any inconsistency with their status and the NAP, which I know is on your mind...”
Rad nodded and shrugged his shoulders,
“Mage, I notice, in addition to the mind-control trigger words, you’ve been using special pronouns when talking about the Workbros. What’s that about?”
“Good observation lad. I’m developing some pronoun choices when referencing the manimals in English. I’m trying to mimic some of the use of pronouns in PSAKaDAS, and further develop PSADNAK – short talk – to use with ‘em.”
The pronouns in the sacred language are:
i = that, it, he, she iD = they (that)
E = this, it, he, she, the ED = they, the (pl.) (this)
I --ID = you (formal) U --UD = you/it impersonal O> --O>D = you (fam),
a> = 1st person; I, me, self a>D = 1st person pl.; we, us
“For English I’d like to see the choice of manimal pronouns follow this pattern:
it (instead of ‘he’ or ‘him’)
ya, yar (you sing., pl.)
‘ir (their), ‘em (them)
‘ay {they), ‘ay’re (they’re).”
“We also need to consider how to say ‘yes/maybe/no’ since we understand, as few humans of the Great Diaspora do, that logic is three-valued, not just ‘yes/no’ two-valued, but ‘yes/maybe/no’ or, in the sacred language, ‘YUP/NY<>/NUP’ and to manimals and to other members of the Orders / KaDYUP (True Yes) or, more familiarly, DYUT etc.”
“I’m not going to ask you Rad, if you want us to reward the manimals, since I know you’ll say ‘DYUT.’ And this time I agree with you. After abuse and instruction and further abuse we anchor the lesson with an intense bonding experience. That’s also good manimal management.”
“OK Workbros, wake up!”
He reached out with the belt cracking across any available butt, emphasizing his orders.
“Squat. Rad, take those mouth guards out. Good. Now, reward pile. Do it! Ya know the routine: every mouth engaged. Fifteen minutes ‘Bro Time’ and it’s back to work!”
They watched a vigorous display of male bonding, ordering a ‘switch’ a couple of times. Twenty minutes later Rad was hustling the Workbros over to one of the fields to help pick string beans, but first, the Mage instructed,
“Rad, we still need to do a formal debriefing. Getting drunk and carousing doesn’t get it done. I know you have dinner tonight at Thorn’s family farm, so we’ll do the debriefing tomorrow. Please have these critters back here an hour after sundown, cleaned up. I’m inviting you and the companions to be here, in the manimal inspection room. If everyone takes the debriefing seriously, maybe we’ll have another party after.”
Rad chuckled,
“We’ve been doing a lot of that ‘partying’ lately... but I’ll have the rowers here and tell the others.”
[2] Party Like a Manimal
The next evening, after Rad got the manimals out of the field and hosed-off he brought them to the inspection room and got them on their bellies on the platform with a curt,
“Bellies on board; eyes shut.”
Since they were already bound and had their mouth guards in place they were properly secured Workbros. Besides manimals could sleep anywhere they were allowed, so they quickly were asleep.
That’s when he noticed the baskets in the corner of the room. Looked like beer, mead, bread, cheese. The last necessary party ingredients were his companions and the Mage.
The Knights and his fellow KAs arrived in high spirits, cut short when he told them the food was for later, if the Mage decided they had taken the ‘debriefing’ seriously, so,
“Let’s chill-out Brothers. Our Commander will probably think it cute if he finds us all asleep on the platform with the rowers...”
“He’s more likely to pretend to think we’re all manimals and you might not want to follow where that leads... you know how he loves to mess with our heads.”
“Yeah, heads ‘n’ more...”
There was some ribald laughter and jostling but shortly the companions got comfortable and were soon dozing among the manimals.
The Mage, upon arriving, did think it endearing, seeing some of his favorite Knights and Keepers sleeping amongst a bunch of bound prisoners. He thought,
“Well, well. Never surprises how soldiers, prisoners, working men, can catch a bit of rest no matter where. It’s cute, but that’s not going to get a complete debriefing. It’s wake up time. And since my boys put themselves among the prisoners, they can’t complain when they get the same treatment.”
He grabbed the belt again and started walloping left and right, as far as he could reach. The manimals were mostly at the front of the platform and their bare butts were easy targets, while the young Alterrans were toward the back and clothed. Nonetheless the Mage, while appearing to be lashing out randomly, was catching as many eLATLeS PYODROTLOD (free boy) as prisoner targets.
“Up and at it! Boys, sit cross-legged on the edge; manimals, kneel behind. I’ve already spent time with Thorn and know what he experienced. This meeting is to learn what the rest of you saw and heard, on the trip and when you were camping at the Dragon Hold.”
Rad and the rowers were questioned closely, with Rad explaining what he witnessed and the POWs grunting ‘yups ‘n’ nups’ through their mouth guards to the Mage’s pointed questions. The Mage nodded gravely, speaking notes into a recorder as he interrogated them all. He was especially interested in what happened at the dragon party and at the meeting with the Elder Sisters in the Valley. Then he spoke to them all,
“The new replaces the old; we preserve what we can. We are entering into a closer relationship with the other intelligent consciousness on this world, our Dragon friends. That is good, and the initiations referenced in the Book of the Crystal Tower will so reflect.”
“Now tell me what happened at dinner last night; how are Ice and Fee’s ‘Juniors’ doing? And yes, it’s time to party.”
Food and drink were passed around. The prisoners were unbound and ‘rank was forgotten’ for a while at least.
[3] Manimals on Display
Later the Mage found himself meditating on the State of the Worlds...
That’s not to say that the Workbros are excluded from the social life of the Crystal Tower. Far from it; they are always working in the fields or gardens, or helping the Keepers in and about the Tower and outbuildings. Need to make sure they’re very busy! It’s their labor that makes it possible for the Knights and Cadets to train and to represent the Tower to the various widely spread peoples inhabiting Alterra.
Like many of the worlds of the Great Diaspora Alterra is sparsely populated. True there are several worlds that have populations to rival the old home world. That was made somewhat easier as Terra’s populace is a third of its peak, back in the beginning of their 21st Century. What’s the total population of “The Hundred Worlds” (the common term for the ‘at least’ that number of inhabited worlds reachable through the WhenWhere Gateways)? Hard to tell, but surely exceeding a hundred billion, and if the number of worlds being reached continues to grow as in the past century that number could rapidly approach a thousand and the number of humans could exceed a trillion.
Alterra continues to have a ‘frontier’ feel to it. The farm folk south of the Tower’s domain are ‘salt of the earth’ types, descended from old ‘Merican Stock. The urbanites of NuMarket City are mostly of mixed European/Mediterranean genetics. The folk of the north are Nordics.
Those of the south are a mixed folk of Old Earth’s southern continents. To the east, beyond the Conjoining Sea, are found nomadic folk, mostly from the ancient Aryan peoples of the steppes of Asia and North America (in that case I used the time-bridge capacity of the WhenWhere Gate to delve into Terra’s past). To the west, along the Great River are farming communities of mixed refugees from Terra.
Some of the other worlds, however, are far more homogeneous. Once the Gate technology was released as ‘Open Source’ many Terran nations and quite a few international companies built their own gates and peopled those worlds. They soon found that the dimensional ‘space’ of planet Earth had been conditioned by the opening of the First Gate which went to Alterra. All future Gates on the home world were connected through the First Gate and the Circle of Gates in Old N’York. That restriction, though, barely slowed the spread. Humanity.
This species is spreading like a virus among all the human-compatible worlds of many ‘nearby’ timeline bifurcations.
Well, it’s nearly time for the annual reunion of Knights, Cadets, Keepers and their families. The seasons, and centuries come and go...
The Annual Reunion Camp-Out and Feast was a highlight of the Tower social season, as one of the Four Holidays [eYODLTaT KaROD].
Although Alterra’s seasons were far milder than Old Earth’s the seasonal celebrations were maintained with the solstices and equinoxes timing the Four Holidays:
Winter Solstice at the time of Yule-New Year – Feasting and Visiting
Spring Equinox at the time of the Annual Reunion – Exhibits and Games
Summer Solstice at the time of the Summer Fest – Contests and Watersports
Fall Equinox at the time of the Harvest Festival – Feasting and Exhibits
The great Victory Day Feast, celebrating the Alterran victory over the invaders from NoAm (The Battle of the Tower Shield Wall – See: Further Tales of the Tower) and the victory in the Battle of the Gates over the extradimensional Entity that tried to enter this reality from ‘beyond’ a few years later, was held during Reunion Week.
The POWs and other Workbros had specific roles during the Annual Reunion. There was always need for Workbro muscle to erect tents, carry chairs, tables, bring food out to the food tent; everything that was necessary. While on farming tasks the prisoners and the other Workbros were treated identically; when on Tower duty the prisoners are kept under very close control under the general rule that these ‘Penal Manimals’ (or ‘PMs’) must be assumed to be ready to revolt at any moment.
The PMs have a special role during the Victory Celebrations. The Cadets and prisoners put on a mock “Battle of the Tower Shield Wall” before the Victory Feast, out of doors. They work together to build colorful mock shields, symbolic of the actual psionic shields that Thorn and the other Senior Cadets used to hold off the attacking Terrans who had forced hundreds of temporary WhereWhen Gates from NoAm to the fields just south and west of the Tower. After the show the Cadets take ‘their prisoners’ and their shields into the feasting tent where the shields are hung from the tent poles while the prisoners are bound there, as a display of victory.
The Mage decided to maintain the ten prisoners who had been Thorn’s rowers as a separate team, after the pilgrimage to the Dragon Hold. They were trained to both row and act as manimal ponies pulling racing chariots. Other manimals were likewise trained as ponies.
Thereafter manimal racing became a well-loved feature of the annual celebration. Gambling was encouraged, with half the winnings going to charity.
The Feast went on for hours, until nearly all the substantial pile of food was gone and all the drink was fully imbibed. The guests wandered off to the fire pits near their tents while a ragtag group of Keepers, Knights, Cadets and Workbros were left to clean-up. Rad and Thorn took charge of the bound POWs and got them back to the Workbro compound to latch them down for the night.
The two walked back toward the campgrounds together.
“I saw your nephews earlier this evening. They were running around wearing toddler-sized Gis, harassing any nearby adults. How do two year olds do that?”
“I know... they’re maturing fast! Saw some of the Cadets were putting on a martial arts exhibit and those two insisted on ‘rolling’ with the younger Cadets. Their dads and I cheered them on, but then, during an open melee, they challenged one of the seniors, coming at him directly. He smacked ‘em around a bit. We cheered that too... a couple bruises might teach ‘em some respect...”
They both laughed, Thorn continuing,
“My sisters were talking to the Mage about admitting the boys to the Academy early. I suspect the Twins may have met their match in those boys. Mage said something about weekly martial arts training at the Tower for them, with sleep-overs starting in a few months as they get more training days per week. Then in a year or so, they’ll become the youngest full time Cadets ever.”
“Right Thorn.”
Just then the ‘Juniors’ came scurrying over, barefoot, just wearing their Gi white pants, showing some grime. They were whooping and grinning as they dove onto Thorn, shouting,
“Uncle Thorn, did you see us fighting those big boys?”
One of the wiry little boys had a nicely developing black eye and the other had a couple of bruises on his chest and shoulders.
“I sure did. You two were very brave! What happened to your Gi tops?”
“They went poof!”
“You ‘poofed’ them away?”
Thorn grabbed the two and hauled them up. One scampered onto his shoulders while the other leaned over and grasped onto Rad, climbing onto his shoulders.
“Want horsey rides. Giddyap ya horsies!”
The two men started jogging toward the folks gathered around the martial arts exhibit; the boys laughing and shouting on their shoulders.
“Gonna fight some more! Yeah Uncle Thorn!”
“Maybe we should find your Grandma; she can take care of your bruises...”
“No, no Uncle Thorn! All big boys have bruises too.”
Later, when they caught up with Thorn’s sisters the mothers did not look at all pleased.
“Mama, mama we party with big boys!’
[4] Parade and Mess
Every morning, a bit after dawn, all of the men inhabiting the Tower complex, without an excuse, were expected to attend Morning Parade [DaBCAPRD COLOD], which was held before first meal in the Tower mess hall on the Parade Ground [DaBCAPRDTAB].
Every MARCOL -- Tenth Day (Alterans use a ten day week – the TUZHaR) was an even more formal Parade, attended by the Mage. Parade followed a Regular Routine [DaT DOTOD] which encouraged efficient process since breakfast was after Parade; thus the Regular Routine of marching in; the Four Corps taking their proper positions; warm-up exercises, ritual replies shouted to ritual questions; exhortations and announcements...
All of the members of the Four Orders [eKUP KAROD] had roles to play: the Corp of Knights, the Corp of Cadets, the Keeper Corp and the Workbro Corp.
The Workbros took up their positions, after having been fed at the prison complex, awaiting the other Corps. The Keepers came onto the Parade Ground first, then the Cadets, lastly, the Knights.
Thorn felt proud when he saw his nephews standing at brace with the other cadets, noticeable by their diminutive height, but looking just as fit as the rest.
One of the Knights who manifest the Six Protectors [eCABDABeR HaROD] is the Commander of the Day [DYaMeS COLOD] and leads the ‘Good Order of the Day’ [YOD-DaT COLOD]. He calls upon a Third Degree Knight to first lead calisthenics and follows that with the Questions to the Good Order [ePOB YE<N< YOD-DaT];
The Good Order of the Order of the Tower
- What is the strong basis of the Orders of the Tower? Command
PA<T LAMU A> TUPDaT DAKOD YE>N< ED eKUP YE>N< E DABCABeR? DYaMeR - Who is the start of command? The Commander
PA<B LAMU A> LAD YE>N< DYaMeR? ED URDYaMeS - How is command done? By commands
PA<M LABYO> A> DYaMeR? YE>R eDYaMaMeR - Why is command done? For Good Order
The First Weekly Parade after the annual reunion, however, was an extra special affair, marking the beginning of the annual cycle of the Tower.
For the annual First Parade extra time is taken and the breakfast meal is the most elaborate served. To accommodate all of the Keepers, including those assigned to overseeing WorkBros, the Corp Four manimals are left standing at brace at the Parade Ground until breakfast is completed, usually about an hour. Their implant broadcast counts them down into a trance state where they receive hypnotic conditioning. The manimals are subjected to continual mind-control patter so they have no ‘self talk’ that is not programmed.
Formal Mess always includes a greater variety of food as well as music and an exhortation from the Mage who concludes with the injunction, “YOBZaTLABYO>D” [“Permitted to eat (you pl. fam. must)”]
The two small ‘Juniors’ were right there with the other Cadets, pushing in line to get their breakfast bowls, squeezing onto the benches with the others, gobbling fast in hope of seconds. The rest of the Cadets treated them like mascots and they were happy to be with the ‘big boys...’
[5] What About Freedom?
Some days later, after the prisoners had been confined for the night, as Thorn and Rad walked back to the Crystal Tower, they met up with the Mage who asked for a report on the Twins and how their boys were doing. Thorn spoke,
“Those boys are growing fast! Gone a few weeks and it’s like they’ve just sprouted; language skills even better; coordination advanced. You saw at the last reunion they’ve started martial arts training... I am proud of my nephews! They seem to be getting along very well with the Cadets when they have sleep-overs. They keep up with boys twice their size.”
“I saw the boys sparing with Cadets ten years older... impressive. It’s just about time that they were full-time Cadets. But that means we have to treat them just like any other Academy student. We all, fathers and uncle too, have to be strict with ‘em, no matter how cute they are. They are poly-Talented and must be carefully trained.
“Humans are maturing faster here than we did on Old Earth; expressing increasingly powerful psychic Talents, and apparently living agelessly. We are becoming a new species or at least an advanced one... In its own way that is likely happening throughout the ‘Hundred Worlds’.”
The conversation turned to their rowers with the Mage opining,
“I do have appreciation for the rowers. On Thorn and Rad’s pilgrimage ‘ay gave their all and then some, proving that enough muscle and mind-controlled focus can do whatever machines can do. Maybe the Dragons had Thorn make the trip ‘without human devices’ as they said, to remind us of that.”
He paused.
“Especially here on Alterra it is possible to interact with our environment directly, not constantly mediated by mechanical and electrical devices. When a wizard with Talent coaxes, say, precious metals from deep underground, he or she is in a direct, meditative, non-mediated relationship with the psi forces of the planet. That’s what they want us to comprehend, so we become truly ‘native’ to this world. Then we will do amazing things...”
He paused again,
“But I am concerned over what the Dragons may have done to Thorn, Rad and our rowers. You are all a part of an experiment – we all are – I suspect. It is in the nature of our Dragon friends to study and test, and they are fascinated by our ability to manipulate physical reality.”
“Rad, as I’ve told you, the rowers are to continue to train on the Dragon Boat. I’ll also have an oared skiff built for shorter distances, such as from the Tower to the City. It is my decision to continue to keep the rowers isolated from the other manimals, as a separate team. You can move ‘em to the boat house by the Tower Dock once it is made secure. You can treat ‘em as humanely as you’d like, so long as ‘ay work as hard as any other Workbro. Make it so.”
They continued in silence as they entered into the Tower through the Great Double Door. In the crystal pillar that stood between the doors resided the ancient double-terminated crystal from Old Earth that was the pattern for the Great Crystal Tower, which had once belonged to a shaman long ago, and which had rested in pre-historic Atlantis until just before its dowfall. The Mage touched it as he entered. Standing in the high-ceiling entrance hall Rad asked, as the Mage turned to leave,
“Commander, how are we to maintain our commitment to the NAP and not, eventually, free your prisoners? It’s not just about the rowers. Do you think the Dragons will want to work their magic (whatever may be its intent) with the rest of the manimals? With all the members of the Orders? We need your guidance.”
“Important questions Rad. I think living on Alterra, and even more so, being born here, changes our species in ways we really don’t yet understand; if we ever will. That same thought must apply to all the ‘Hundred Worlds’ – the Diaspora will eventually create subspecies with differing capacities. The Diaspora saved humanity, but will eventually cause humanity to dissolve into hundreds of new coagulations... solve et coagula...”
He paused,
“But for now, let’s leave things as they are. I know you young men are anxious to see what happens next. Extreme longevity has taught us Original Settlors extreme patience.”
He nodded slowly,
“Over the next years we’ll see what the Dragons will do, and how we’ll respond.”
“If I could be sure the prisoners were becoming Alterrans... time will tell... In the meantime, no distinction among our POWs, other manimal prisoners and the volunteer Workbros.”
He paused.
“Let’s keep a close eye on your nephews and all the children of Alterra!”
The Mage looked forward to peace and harmony. And there certainly were periods that could be so described. But then there were other times... especially involving ‘the Juniors’... as the stories of the Crystal Tower continue...